Important information on SB1010, SB1351, SB1455, SB1416
SB1010  recycled materials report; state agencies
This is a strike-all bill and now has nothing to do with recycled materials. As amended, it allows the sharing of some student personally identifiable information to be shared with third parties without parental consent. It was HELD in the House Government and Higher Education Committee, but it will probably surface again soon. This is big business for some corporations and as a result they are lobbying feverishly to get this passed. As usual, many legislators will rather hurt students than lose their big corporate funding. It is up to you the people to let them know that you mean business when you call for this bill’s demise in its current form. To read the offending amendment, click HERE
Please contact all representatives and request a NO vote on SB1010, unless it is fixed to require parental approval for any release of student personally identifiable information to third parties.

SB1351  schools; elections; ballot arguments; exclusion
As submitted, this was a great bill dealing with information placed on the information pamphlets distributed to voters regarding bond issue elections. It would have allowed governing board members to omit their name from the PRO argument if they were not in favor of the bond issue. As amended, this bill does the opposite. It effectively hides from voters any hint that there was any opposition by any board member to the request for additional bonds.. To read offending amendment, click HERE
Please contact all representatives and request a NO vote on SB1351, unless the original language is restored. All contact methods are available as of now (e-mail, phone, fax, and RTS). If you rendered a “pro” vote on the RTS, based on the original language, please update it to “against”.

SB1455  students/parents opt-out bill.
This is a strike-all bill with the contents of the old HB2056, parental right opt-out affirmation that was killed in the House Education Committee by Rep. Boyer. It recently failed in the full Senate 3rd reading. However, Sen. Begay may be requesting, and possibly obtaining, reconsideration of SB1455 in the very near future. Like many other education related bills, there is big money involved here, mainly from student test peddlers. It is not a partisan issue; many Republicans voted against it. However, Democrat parents should also be appalled at the prospect of not having control over what happens to their children in school.
Please continue to contact both Republican and Democrat senators via e-mails, phone, and fax, and request that they support SB1455.

SB1416  state board; superintendent; powers; duties
This bill represents the third component of a concerted effort to undermine the only direct voice that citizens have at the State Board of Education. First they tried to recall the current SPI because she stood up for us. Then they tried to make the office of the SPI an outright appointed position. Now they are trying to take away whatever little power the elected SPI has left. Who are “they”? They are a bunch of high level politicians and powerful special interests that want to have absolute control over education issues and can not tolerate even the low level of influence that citizens now have via the ballot box. SB1416 has not been officially scheduled for action in the House, but there is plenty of evidence that it will be.
Please continue to contact legislators via e-mails, phone, and fax, and request that they oppose SB1416. Be ready to express opposition via the RTS as soon as it is scheduled for committee hearings.

For a roster of legislators, including committee members and contact info, go to
If a bill is scheduled to be heard in a standing committee, make sure you submit or update your comments via the “Request to Speak” ( ALIS / RTS ) program at
If you need instructions on how to use the ALIS/RTS program, go to:

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