ADHS Dine-In-Service New Protocols

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A J Mitchell Elementary School D
A. C. E. NR NR
AAEC – Paradise Valley B
AAEC – SMCC Campus A
Abia Judd Elementary School B
Abraham Lincoln Traditional School A
Acacia Elementary School B
Acacia Elementary School A
Academy Adventures Midtown NR
Academy Adventures Primary School F
Academy Del Sol NR
Academy Del Sol – Hope B
Academy Of Excellence C
Academy of Math and Science B
Academy of Math and Science Camelback C
Academy of Mathematics and Science South B
Academy of Tucson Elementary School C
Academy of Tucson High School A
Academy of Tucson Middle School B
Academy with Community Partners C
Accelerated Learning Center D
Accelerated Learning Laboratory B NR
Acorn Montessori Charter School A
Adams Elementary School C
Adams Traditional Academy A
Adventure School D
Agua Caliente School B
Agua Fria High School B
Aguila Elementary School D
Aguilar School B
AIM Higher College Prep Academy F
Aire Libre Elementary School B
Ajo Elementary School C
Ajo High School C
Akimel O’Otham Pee Posh (3-5) C
ALA Mesa B
ALA QC  Elem B
ALA San Tan A
Alchesay High School F
Alfred F Garcia School D
Alhambra High School C
Alhambra Traditional School A
Alice Byrne Elementary School B
Alice Vail Middle School C
All Aboard Charter School B
Alpine Elementary School A
Alta E Butler School D
Alta Loma School C
Alta Vista Elementary School C
Altar Valley Middle School B
Alternative Computerized Education (ACE) Charter High School NR
Ambassador Academy NR
Amberlea Elementary School D
AMCS at Anthem dba Caurus Academy A
American Heritage Academy – Camp Verde D
American Heritage Academy – Cottonwood D D
American Leadership Academy A
American Leadership Academy – Ironwood C C
American Leadership Academy – Queen Creek C C
American Leadership Academy Anthem South Campus B
AmeriSchools Academy – Camelback B
AmeriSchools Academy – Country Club B
AmeriSchools Academy – Yuma B
Amerischools Academy North B
Amphitheater High School C
Amphitheater Middle School C
Amy L. Houston Academy F
Anasazi Elementary A
Andalucia Middle School C
Andrada Polytechnic High School B
Anna Henry Elementary School C
Anna Lawrence Intermediate School F
Anna Marie Jacobson  Elementary School A
Annie Kellond Elementary School B
Antelope Union High School D
Anthem Elementary School C
Anthem School B
Anza Trail B
Apache Elementary School A
Apache Junction High School C
Apollo High School A
Apollo Middle School D
Arcadia High School C
Arizona Academy of Science and Technology NR
Arizona Agribusiness & Equine Center – Estrella A
Arizona Agribusiness & Equine Center, Inc. – Prescott Valley B
Arizona Agribusiness & Equine Center, Inc. – Red Mountain A
Arizona Autism Charter School NR
Arizona Autism Charter School, Upper School Campus NR
Arizona Charter Academy B B
Arizona City Elementary School D
Arizona College Prep Academy B
Arizona College Prep Erie Campus A A
Arizona College Prep Oakland Campus A
Arizona Conservatory for Arts and Academics B
Arizona Conservatory for Arts and Academics Middle School B
Arizona Desert Elementary School B
Arizona Desert Elementary School B
Arizona Language Preparatory NR
Arizona School For The Arts B A
Arlington Elementary School B
Arredondo Elementary School B
Arrowhead Elementary School C
Arrowhead Elementary School A
Arroyo Elementary School B
Arthur M Hamilton School F
Arts Academy at Estrella Mountain B
Ash Creek Elementary NR
Ash Fork Elementary School NR
Ash Fork High School NR
Ash Fork Middle School NR
Ashland Elementary B
Ashton Ranch Elementary School C
ASU Preparatory Academy – Casa Grande HS C
ASU Preparatory Academy – Phoenix Middle School C
ASU Preparatory Academy- Phoenix Elementary C
ASU Preparatory Academy- Phoenix High School B
ASU Preparatory Academy-Polytechnic Elementary A
ASU Preparatory Academy-Polytechnic High School A
ASU Preparatory Academy-Polytechnic Middle School B
Audrey & Robert Ryan Elementary A
Augusta Ranch Elementary B
Augustus H. Shaw Montessori A
Avalon Elementary C
Avondale Middle School B
AZTEC High School NR
Baboquivari High School D
Baboquivari Middle School C
Bagdad Elementary School A
Bagdad Middle / Senior High School F B
Bales Elementary School D
Ball Charter Schools (Val Vista) B
Balsz Elementary School D
Barbara B. Robey Elementary School B
Barcelona Middle School D
Barry Goldwater High School C
Basha Elementary B
Basha High School B B
BASIS Ahwatukee B A
BASIS Chandler A A
BASIS Chandler Primary – North Campus B
BASIS Chandler Primary- South Campus B
BASIS Flagstaff A A
BASIS Goodyear A
BASIS Goodyear Primary B
BASIS Oro Valley A A
BASIS Oro Valley Primary B
BASIS Peoria A A
BASIS Phoenix A A
BASIS Phoenix Central Primary A
BASIS Prescott A NR
BASIS Scottsdale A A
BASIS Tucson North B A
BASIS Tucson Primary A
Beaver Creek School C
Beaver Dam Elementary C
Beaver Dam High School F D
Bella Vista Academy NR
Bella Vista Elementary School B
Bellair Elementary School B
Benchmark School A
Benjamin Franklin Charter School – Crismon B
Benjamin Franklin Charter School – Gilbert C
Benjamin Franklin Charter School – Power B
Benjamin Franklin High School B B
Bennett Academy B
Bennett Academy – Venture Site NR
Benson High School A
Benson Middle School C
Benson Primary School B
Bereran Academy C D
Bernard Black Elementary School D
Betty Fairfax High School D
Bicentennial North School B
Big Park Community School C
Billy Lane Lauffer Middle School D
Biltmore Preparatory Academy B
Bisbee High School C
Biyaagozhoo Center NR
Black Mountain Elementary School B
Black Mountain Elementary School D
Blenman Elementary School C
Bloom Elementary D
Blue Elementary School NR NR
Blue Ridge High School C
Blue Ridge Jr High School C
Blue Ridge Middle School D
Bogle Junior High School C
Bonillas Elementary Basic Curriculum Magnet School B
Bonita Elementary School C
Bonnie Brennan School B
Booth-Fickett Math/Science Magnet School D
Borman Elementary School C
Borton Primary Magnet School C
Boulder Creek Elementary C
Boulder Creek Elementary School A
Boulder Creek High School B
Bouse Elementary School NR
Bowie Elementary School NR
Bowie High School NR
Bradley Academy of Excellence F
Bradshaw Mountain High School B
Bradshaw Mountain Middle School C
Bret R. Tarver C
Bridges Elementary School A
Bright Beginnings School #1 B
Brinton Elementary B
Broadmor Elementary School C
Brunson-Lee Elementary School D
Buckeye Elementary School D
Buckeye Union High School D
Buena High School B
Bullhead City Jr High School D
Burk Elementary School A
Burke Basic School B
Bush Elementary B
Butterfield Elementary School C
Butterfield Elementary School C
C E Rose Elementary School C
C I Waggoner School A
C J Jorgensen School C
C O Greenfield School C
C W Mcgraw Elementary School B
Cactus Canyon Junior High C
Cactus High School B
Cactus Middle School C
Cactus Shadows High School B
Cactus View Elementary School B
Cactus Wren Elementary School B
Calabasas School C
Calibre Academy Surprise C
Cambridge Academy East A
Cambridge Academy East A
Camelback Academy C
Camelback High School C
Camino Montessori NR
Camp Mohave Elementary School B
Camp Verde Accommodation School NR NR
Camp Verde Elementary School C
Camp Verde High School C
Camp Verde Middle School D
Campo Bello Elementary School B
Campo Verde High School B
Candeo Peoria A
Canon School C
Canyon Breeze Elementary C
Canyon Day Junior High School F
Canyon De Chelly Elementary School B
Canyon Del Oro High School C
Canyon Elementary School B
Canyon Pointe Academy D
Canyon Ridge School A
Canyon Rim Elementary A
Canyon Springs B
Canyon View Elementary School B
Canyon View Prep Academy A
CAPE School-Detention NR
CAPE School-Jail NR
Capitol Elementary School C
Capps Elementary School A
Carden of Tucson C
Carl Hayden High School C
Carmichael Elementary School C
Carminati School B
Carol Rae Ranch Elementary A
Carpe Diem Collegiate High School dba Carpe Diem e-Learning Community C NR
Carrillo Intermediate Magnet School B
Carson Junior  High School C
Cartwright School C
Casa Grande Middle School D
Casa Grande Union High School D
Casa Verde High School A
Castle Dome Middle School D
Catalina Foothills High School A
Catalina High Magnet School D
Catalina Ventura School C
Cavett Elementary School F
Cedar Hills School NR
Centennial Elementary School B
Centennial Elementary School B
Centennial High School B
Centennial Middle School C
Center for Academic Success #4 B
Center for Academic Success #5 C
Center for Academic Success, The #3 D
Center for Educational Excellence B
Centerra Mirage STEM Academy B
Central High School C
Cerbat Elementary C
Cesar Chavez Elementary B
Cesar Chavez High School D
Cesar E Chavez Community School F
Challenge Charter School B
Challenger Basic School A
Challenger Elementary School C
Challenger Middle School C
Challenger Middle School D
Champion Chandler C
Champion Schools C
Chandler High School B
Chandler Traditional Academy – Goodman C
Chandler Traditional Academy – Independence B
Chandler Traditional Academy – Liberty Campus A
Chandler Traditional Academy-Freedom B
Chandler Traditional Academy-Humphrey B
Changemaker High School C
Chaparral Elementary School B
Chaparral Elementary School A
Chaparral High School B
Charles W Sechrist Elementary School B
Charles W. Harris School C
Charlotte Patterson Elementary A
Cheatham Elementary School C
Cherokee Elementary School A
Cheyenne Elementary School B
Cheyenne Traditional School A
Children First Leadership Academy F
Children Reaching for the Sky Preparatory D
Chinle Elementary School B
Chinle High School D
Chinle Junior High School D
Chino Valley High School C
Cholla Elementary School C
Cholla High Magnet School D
Cholla Middle School C
Cibola High School C
Cienega High School B
Cimarron Springs Elementary B
Circle Cross Ranch K8 School B
City High School B
Civano Charter School B
Clarendon School C
Clarkdale-Jerome Elementary School C
Clawson School B
Cloves C Campbell Sr Elementary School C
Coatimundi Middle School B
Cochise Elementary School B
Cochise Elementary School A
Coconino High School C
Cocopah Middle School A
Collier Elementary School A
Collier Elementary School C
Colonel Smith Middle School B
Combs High School C
Combs Traditional Academy B
Concho Elementary School C
Concordia Charter School B
Congress Elementary School A
Connolly Middle School C
Constitution Elementary School A
Continental Elementary School B
Cooley Middle School A
Coolidge High School C
Copper Basin D
Copper Canyon Academy C
Copper Canyon Elementary School A
Copper Canyon High School C
Copper Creek Elementary A
Copper Creek Elementary School B
Copper King Elementary C
Copper Point High School F NR
Copper Ridge Elementary A
Copper Ridge School B
Copper Rim Elementary School D
Copper Trails B
Copper View Elementary School B
Copperwood School B
Cordova Elementary School C
Corona Del Sol High School B
Corona Foothills Middle School A
Coronado Elementary School B
Coronado Elementary School B
Coronado High School C
Coronado K-8 School B
Corte Sierra Elementary School B
Cortez High School B
Cortina Elementary A
Cotton Boll School C
Cottonwood Elementary A
Cottonwood Elementary School D
Cottonwood Elementary School C
Cottonwood Elementary School B
Cottonwood Middle School C
Country Gardens Charter School D D
Country Meadows Elementary School B
Country Place Elementary C
Countryside Elementary School C
County Jail Education Program NR
Coyote Canyon School C
Coyote Hills Elementary School B
Coyote Ridge C
Coyote Springs Elementary School B
Coyote Trail Elementary School A
Cradleboard School F
Cragin Elementary School C
Crane Middle School C
Craycroft Elementary School C
Create Academy NR
Creighton Elementary School D
Crismon Elementary School B
Crown Charter School A
Crown King Elementary School NR
Curry Elementary School B
Dan Hinton Accommodation School NR NR
Dateland Elementary School A
David Crockett Elementary School B
Davidson Elementary School D
Davis Bilingual Magnet School B
Deer Valley Academy NR
Deer Valley High School B
Deer Valley Middle School D
Degrazia Elementary School B
Del Rio Elementary School B
Desert Canyon Elementary A
Desert Canyon Middle School B
Desert Cove Elementary School C
Desert Edge High School B
Desert Foothills Middle School C
Desert Harbor Elementary School B
Desert Heights Charter School B
Desert Heights Preparatory Academy B B
Desert Horizon Elementary School D
Desert Marigold School B B
Desert Meadows Elementary School B
Desert Mesa Elementary School B
Desert Mirage Elementary School B
Desert Mirage Preparatory Academy C
Desert Mountain Elementary A
Desert Mountain High School B
Desert Mountain School B
Desert Oasis Elementary School C
Desert Oasis Elementary School D
Desert Palms Elementary School B
Desert Pointe Academy NR
Desert Ridge High B
Desert Ridge Jr. High C
Desert Sage Elementary School A
Desert Sands Middle School D
Desert Shadows Elementary School A
Desert Shadows Middle School B
Desert Shadows Middle School B
Desert Sky Community School NR
Desert Sky Middle School B
Desert Sky Middle School A
Desert Sonora Elementary School A
Desert Spirit B
Desert Springs Academy NR
Desert Springs Preparatory Elementary School A
Desert Star B
Desert Star Academy C
Desert Star Community School C
Desert Sun Academy B
Desert Thunder B
Desert Trails Elementary School A
Desert Valley Elementary School B
Desert Valley School B
Desert View Academy B
Desert View Elementary A
Desert View Elementary Intermediate C
Desert View Elementary School D
Desert View High School C
Desert Vista Elementary School C
Desert Vista High School A
Desert Willow Elementary School B
Desert Willow Elementary School B
Desert Willow Elementary School D
Desert Willow Elementary School B
Desert Wind Middle School D
Destiny School B
Diamond Canyon Elementary A
Diamondback Elementary School B
Dietz K-8 School D
Discovery Plus Academy C
Discovery School B
Dobson Academy, The – A Ball Charter School B
Dobson High School C
Don Mensendick School D
Doolen Middle School C
Dorothy Stinson School A
Dos Rios Elementary C
Double Adobe Elementary School NR
Douglas High School C
Dr Howard K Conley Elementary School B
Dr. Camille Casteel High School C B
Dr. Gary and Annette Auxier Elementary School B
Drachman Primary Magnet School F
Dreaming Summit Elementary A
Drexel Elementary School C
Duncan Elementary C
Duncan High School B
Dunham Elementary School B
Dysart Elementary School B
Dysart High School C
Dzil Libei Elementary School NR
E C Nash School C
EAGLE College Prep C
EAGLE College Prep Harmony D
EAGLE College Prep Maryvale B
EAGLE College Preparatory School- Mesa B
Eagle Ridge Elementary School C
Eagleridge Enrichment Program C
East Valley Academy NR
Echo Canyon K-8 B
Echo Mountain Intermediate School C
Ed & Verma Pastor Elementary School C
Ed Pastor Elementary 4 C
Edison Elementary School C
Edkey Inc. – Pathfinder Academy at Eastmark A
Edkey, Inc. – Pathfinder Academy – Sequoia Lehi C
Edkey, Inc. – Sequoia Choice Precision School NR
Edkey, Inc. – Sequoia Deaf School NR NR
EduPreneurship Student Center (ESC) Phoenix F
Eduprize School B
Ehrenberg Elementary School B
Eisenhower Center for Innovation C
El Capitan Public School B B
El Mirage School B
Elfrida Elementary School D
Elgin Elementary School A
Eliseo C. Felix School D
Ellsworth Elementary School C
Eloy Intermediate School D
Eloy Junior High School C
Elvira Elementary School A
Emerson Elementary School C
Emily Gray Junior High School C
Empire High School A
Empower College Prep D
Empower Collegiate Academy NR
Entz Elementary School B
Esmond Station School A
Esperanza Elementary School B
Esperanza Elementary School C
Esperanza Elementary School C
Esperero Canyon Middle School B
Estrella Foothills High School B
Estrella Middle School B
Estrella Mountain Elementary School B
Estrella Vista Elementary School C
Ethos Academy- A Challenge Foundation Academy NR
Eva Marshall Elementary School C
Evergreen Elementary School C
Excelencia School C
Explorer Middle School A
Fairbanks Middle School C
Falcon Hill Elementary School B
Faras Elementary School C
Fees College Preparatory Middle School D
Festival Foothills Elementary School B
Field Elementary School B
Fine Arts Academy F
Finley Farms Elementary A
Fireside Elementary School A
First Avenue Elementary School D
Flagstaff Arts And Leadership Academy B C
Flagstaff High School C
Flagstaff Junior Academy C
Flora Thew Elementary School C
Florence High School B
Florence K-8 D
Flowing Wells High School B
Flowing Wells Junior High School B
Foothills Academy C A
Foothills Elementary School B
Ford Elementary D
Fort Mohave Elementary School NR
Fort Thomas Elementary School C
Fort Thomas High School D C
Fountain Hills Charter School C
Fountain Hills High School C
Fountain Hills Middle School B
Four Peaks Elementary School B
Four Peaks Elementary School C
Fourth Avenue Junior High School D
Fowler Elementary School D
Fox Creek Jr High School C
Frances Brandon-Pickett Elementary A
Frances J Warren Elementary School C
Frances Owen Holaway Elementary School C
Francisco Vasquez De Coronado Elementary School A
Frank Borman School C
Frank Elementary School B
Franklin at Alma Elementary B
Franklin at Brimhall Elementary A
Franklin Elementary School A
Franklin Junior High School A
Franklin Phonetic Primary School B
Franklin Phonetic Primary School-Sunnyslope NR
Franklin Police and Fire High School A
Franklin West Elementary B
Fredonia Elementary School B
Fredonia High School D C
Freedom Academy B
Freedom Academy North D
Freedom Elementary School B
Fremont Junior High School B
Friendly House Academia Del Pueblo Elem D
Frontier Elementary School B
Fruchthendler Elementary School A
Frye Elementary School C
Fuller Elementary School A
Future Investment Middle School A
G. Frank Davidson B
Gadsden Elementary School C
Gale Elementary School A
Gallego Intermediate Fine Arts Magnet School D
Galveston Elementary School D
Ganado Elementary School D
Ganado High School C
Ganado Middle School D
Gap Primary School NR
Garden Lakes Elementary School B
Garfield School D
Gary A. Knox Elementary School B
Gateway Early College High School B
Gateway Pointe Elementary B
Gateway Polytechnic Academy B
Gateway School D
Gavilan Peak Elementary B
Gem Charter School NR
General Myer Elementary School A
George Gervin Prep Academy F
George Washington Academy F
George Washington Carver Elementary School C
Getz School NR
Gila Bend Elementary C
Gila Bend High School F F
Gila Ridge High School C
Gila Valley Learning Center NR
Gila Vista Jr High School F
Gilbert Classical Academy High School A
Gilbert Classical Academy Jr. B
Gilbert Elementary School B
Gilbert High School B
Gilbert Junior High School C
Gililland Middle School D
Girls Leadership Academy of Arizona F
Gladden Farms Elementary B
Glassford Hill Middle School C
Glendale American School C
Glendale High School B
Glendale Landmark School C
Glendale Union High School District Online Learning Academy NR
Glenn F Burton School C
Glenn L. Downs School B
Glenview College Preparatory High School C
Globe High School D
Gowan Science Academy A
Granada East School C
Grand Canyon Elementary C
Grand Canyon High School C
Granite Mountain Middle School C
Granville Elementary School B
Grayhawk Elementary School A
Great Expectations Academy B
Great Hearts Academies – Anthem Prep B A
Great Hearts Academies – Archway Arete C
Great Hearts Academies – Archway Chandler A
Great Hearts Academies – Archway Cicero A
Great Hearts Academies – Archway Glendale C
Great Hearts Academies – Archway Lincoln B
Great Hearts Academies – Archway North Phoenix B
Great Hearts Academies – Archway Scottsdale A
Great Hearts Academies – Archway Trivium East B
Great Hearts Academies – Archway Trivium West B
Great Hearts Academies – Archway Veritas B
Great Hearts Academies – Arete Prep C A
Great Hearts Academies – Chandler Prep B A
Great Hearts Academies – Cicero Prep B
Great Hearts Academies – Glendale Prep B A
Great Hearts Academies – Lincoln Prep C
Great Hearts Academies – Maryvale Prep B
Great Hearts Academies – North Phoenix Prep B A
Great Hearts Academies – Scottsdale Prep B A
Great Hearts Academies – Teleos Prep C
Great Hearts Academies – Trivium Prep C B
Great Hearts Academies – Veritas Prep C A
Greenbrier Elementary School B
Greenfield Elementary School A
Greenfield Junior High School B
Greenway High School A
Greenway Middle School D
Greenway Primary School D
Gridley Middle School C
Griffith Elementary School D
Guerrero Elementary School C
H L Suverkrup Elementary School A
Hale Elementary School A
Haley Elementary B
Hamilton High School B
Happy Valley School A
Happy Valley School East Campus C
Harold Steele Elementary School C
Harold W Smith School C
Harris Elementary School C
Hartford Sylvia Encinas Elementary B
Harvest Preparatory Academy C B
Harvest Preparatory Academy, Goodyear B
Harvest Preparatory Academy, San Luis AZ C
Hassayampa Elementary School C
Havasu Preparatory Academy B
Havasupai Elementary School B
Haven Montessori Charter School A
Hawthorne Elementary School C
Hayden High School C
Hearn Academy, The – A Ball Charter School A
Heartland Ranch Elementary School D
Heatherbrae School B
Helen Keeling Elementary School D
Henry Hank Oyama C
Heritage Academy C B
Heritage Academy Laveen D D
Heritage Academy Queen Creek C B
Heritage Elementary – Williams C
Heritage Elementary School B
Heritage Middle School B
Heritage School C
Hermosa Montessori Charter A
Hermosa Vista Elementary School A
Hidden Hills Elementary School B
High Desert Middle School D
Highland Elementary School B
Highland Free School NR
Highland High School B
Highland Jr High School B
Highland Lakes School A
Highland Park Elementary A
Higley High School B
Higley Traditional Academy B
Hillcrest Middle School B
Hillside Elementary School NR
Hirsch Academy A Challenge Foundation D
HoHoKam Middle School D
Hohokam Traditional School B
Holbrook High School C
Holbrook Junior High School C
Holdeman Elementary School C
Holiday Park School C
Holladay Intermediate Magnet School C
Hollinger K-8 School C
Holmes Elementary School C
Holsteiner Agricultural School NR
Homer Davis Elementary School B
Hope College and Career Readiness Academy NR
Hopi Elementary School A
Horizon Community Learning Center A A
Horizon High School NR B
Horizon Honors Elementary School A
Horizon School B
Horseshoe Trails Elementary School A
Houston Elementary School C
Howell Peter Elementary C
Huachuca City School D
Huachuca Mountain Elementary School B
Hualapai Elementary B
Hudlow Elementary School D
Hudson Elementary School A
Hulet Elementary School B
Humanities and Science High School – Tempe NR
Humanities and Sciences High School – Phoenix NR
Humboldt Elementary School A
Hurley Ranch Elementary D
Ida Flood Dodge Traditional Middle Magnet School B
Ignacio Conchos School D
Imagine Avondale Elementary C
Imagine Avondale Middle B
Imagine Bell Canyon A
Imagine Camelback Elementary NR
Imagine Camelback Middle C
Imagine Coolidge Elementary B
Imagine Cortez Park Elementary C
Imagine Cortez Park Middle B
Imagine Desert West Elementary C
Imagine Desert West Middle C
Imagine East Mesa Elementary B
Imagine East Mesa Middle B
Imagine Prep Coolidge F C
Imagine Prep Superstition C
Imagine Prep Surprise B
Imagine Rosefield A
Imagine Superstition Middle C
Imagine Surprise Middle C
Imagine Tempe C
Imagine West Gilbert Elementary C
Imagine West Gilbert Middle C
Inca Elementary School C
Incito Schools D
Independence High School B
Indian Bend Elementary School C
Indian Oasis Intermediate Elementary School NR
Indian Wells Elementary C
Ingleside Middle School B
Integrity Education Centre NR NR
Ira A Murphy B
Ira A. Fulton Elementary B
Irene Erickson Elementary School D
Irene Lopez School B
Ironwood Elementary School B
Ironwood Elementary School B
Ironwood High School NR B
Ironwood Ridge High School C
Ironwood School C
Irving Elementary School B
Isaac E Imes School C
Isaac Middle School D
Ishikawa Elementary School B
Islands Elementary School B
J B Sutton Elementary School D
J Robert Hendricks Elementary School A
J. O. Combs Middle School C
Jack Barnes Elementary School B
Jack Harmon Elementary School B
Jack L Kuban Elementary School D
Jack Thoman Air and Space Academy and Performing Arts Studio NR
Jamaica Elementary School B
James B Rolle School A
James D Price School NR
James Madison Preparatory School C B
Jane D. Hull Elementary B
Jeddito School D
Jefferson Elementary School B
Jefferson Preparatory High School C B
Joe Carlson Elementary School D
John & Carol Carlson Elementary B
John B Wright Elementary School B
John E White Elementary School C
John F Kennedy School D
John F. Long B
John Jacobs Elementary School B
John M Andersen Elementary School C
John M Andersen Jr High School B
John Q Thomas Elementary School C
John R Davis School D
Johnson Elementary School B
Joseph City Elementary School A
Joseph City High School B
Joseph City Junior High School C
Joseph Zito Elementary School C
Joyce Clark Middle School C
Julia Randall Elementary School B
Justine Spitalny School C
Juvenile Detention Education Program NR
Kachina Elementary School A
Kaizen Education Foundation dba Gilbert Arts Academy C
Kathryn Sue Simonton Elementary C
Kayenta Elementary School C
Kayenta Middle School C
Keller Elementary School B
Kenilworth Elementary School C
Kerr Elementary School C
Keystone Montessori Charter School B
Khalsa Montessori Elementary School – Phoenix A
Khalsa School B
Kinetic Educational Learning Labs for Youth NR NR
Kingman Academy of Learning – High School B
Kingman Academy of Learning – Intermediate School B
Kingman Academy of Learning – Middle School B
Kingman High School D
Kingman Middle School D
Kings Ridge School D
Kingswood Elementary School C
Kino Junior High School D
Kirkland Elementary School C
Kiser Elementary School C
Kiva Elementary School A
Knox Gifted Academy A
Kofa High School C
Kyrene Akimel A-Al Middle School C
Kyrene Altadena Middle School B
Kyrene Aprende Middle School B
Kyrene Centennial Middle School B
Kyrene de la Colina School A
Kyrene de la Esperanza School A
Kyrene de la Estrella Elementary School B
Kyrene de la Mariposa School B
Kyrene de la Mirada School A
Kyrene de la Paloma School A
Kyrene de la Sierra School A
Kyrene de las Brisas School B
Kyrene de las Lomas School B
Kyrene de las Manitas School B
Kyrene de los Cerritos School A
Kyrene De Los Lagos School A
Kyrene de los Ninos School C
Kyrene del Cielo School A
Kyrene del Milenio B
Kyrene del Norte School B
Kyrene del Pueblo Middle School B
Kyrene Middle School C
Kyrene Monte Vista School A
Kyrene Traditional Academy A
L M Prince School F
L. Thomas Heck Middle School B
La Cima Middle School A
La Joya Community High School C
La Paloma Academy C
La Paloma Academy (Lakeside) C
La Paloma Academy-South C
La Senita Elementary NR
La Tierra Community School C
Lafe Nelson School B
Laguna Elementary School A
Laguna Elementary School C
Laird Elementary School B
Lake Havasu High School C
Lake Pleasant Elementary A
Lake Valley Elementary School C
Lakeview Elementary School B
Larkspur Elementary School C
Larry C Kennedy School C
Las Brisas Academy C
Las Brisas Elementary School B
Las Puertas Community School F NR
Las Sendas Elementary School A
Laura N. Banks Elementary B
Laveen Elementary School B
Lawrence W Cross Middle School C
Le Pera Elementary School C
Leading Edge Academy at East Mesa B
Leading Edge Academy Gilbert Early College B B
Leading Edge Academy Gilbert Elementary A
Leading Edge Academy Maricopa B
Leading Edge Academy Mountain View B
Leading Edge Academy San Tan B
Learning Foundation C
Learning Foundation and Performing Arts Alta Mesa B
Learning Foundation and Performing Arts Gilbert C C
Learning Foundation and Performing Arts Warner C
Lee Kornegay Intermediate School C
Lee Williams High School C
Legacy Traditional Charter School – Gilbert A
Legacy Traditional Charter School – Laveen Village B
Legacy Traditional School – Avondale A
Legacy Traditional School – Casa Grande A
Legacy Traditional School – Chandler A
Legacy Traditional School – Glendale B
Legacy Traditional School – Maricopa B
Legacy Traditional School – North Chandler A
Legacy Traditional School – Northwest Tucson A
Legacy Traditional School – Peoria A
Legacy Traditional School – Queen Creek A
Legacy Traditional School – Surprise A
Legend Springs Elementary A
Lehi Elementary School B
Leman Academy of Excellence B
Leman Academy of Excellence, Sierra Vista C
Leonor Hambly K-8 B
Leupp Public School D
Liberty Arts Academy C
Liberty Elementary School B
Liberty Elementary School C
Liberty Elementary School B
Liberty High School B
Liberty Traditional Charter School C
Liberty Traditional Charter School – Saddleback C
Liberty Traditional School A
Life Skills Center of Arizona NR
Lincoln Elementary School C
Lincoln Elementary School A
Lincoln Elementary School B
Lindbergh Elementary School B
Linden Elementary School D
Lineweaver Elementary School B
Litchfield Elementary School B
Little Red Schoolhouse A
Littleton Elementary School D
Loma Linda Elementary School C
Lone Mountain Elementary School A
Longfellow Elementary School B
Longview Elementary School C
Lookout Mountain School B
Los Amigos Elementary School B
Los Ninos Elementary School B
Lowell Elementary School D
Lowell Elementary School C
Lowell School C
Luke Elementary School B
Lulu Walker School B
Lura Kinsey Elementary School D
Lynn Urquides C
Mabel Padgett Elementary School B
MacArthur Elementary School B
Madison #1 Elementary School C
Madison Camelview Elementary B
Madison Elementary School B
Madison Heights Elementary School A
Madison Highland Prep B
Madison Meadows School B
Madison Park School B
Madison Richard Simis School A
Madison Rose Lane School A
Madison Traditional Academy B
Magee Middle School D
Magma Ranch K8 School D
Magnet Traditional School C
Maie Bartlett Heard School C
Maine Consolidated School B
Maldonado Amelia Elementary School F
Mammoth Elementary School D
Mansfeld Middle School B
Manuel DeMiguel Elementary School B
Manuel Pena Jr. School C
Many Farms Elementary School D
Manzanita Elementary B
Manzanita Elementary School B
Manzanita School B
Manzo Elementary School C
Marana High School C
Marana Middle School D
Marc T. Atkinson Middle School D
Marcos De Niza High School C
Maricopa Elementary School C
Maricopa High School C
Maricopa Institute of Technology NR
Maricopa Institute of Technology NR
Maricopa Wells Middle School D
Marion Donaldson Elementary School B
Marjorie W Estes Elementary School C
Marley Park Elementary B
Marshall Elementary School C
Marshall Ranch Elementary School B
Mary A Otondo Elementary School C
Mary C  O’Brien Elementary School B
Mary L Welty Elementary School C
Mary Mcleod Bethune School B
Mary Meredith K-12 School NR NR
Maryland Elementary School C
Maryvale High School C
Masada Charter School A
Math and Science Success Academy C
Maurice C. Cash Elementary School B
Maxine O Bush Elementary School D
Mayer Elementary School B
Mayer High School C
McCartney Ranch Elementary School B
Mcclintock High School B
McCorkle PK-8 C
Mcnary Elementary School F
Mcneal Elementary School B
Melvin E Sine School C
Mendoza Elementary School B
Mercury Mine Elementary School A
Meridian A
Mesa Academy for Advanced Studies A
Mesa Arts Academy B
Mesa High School C
Mesa Verde Elementary School B
Mesa View Elementary C
Mesquite Elementary A
Mesquite Elementary School B
Mesquite Elementary School D
Mesquite Elementary School A
Mesquite High School B
Mesquite Jr High School B
Metcalf Elementary School B
Metro Tech High School C
Metropolitan Arts Institute C B
Mexicayotl Academy NR
Mexicayotl Charter School A
Miami Junior Senior High School D C
Michael Anderson C
Midtown High School NR
Midtown Primary School NR
Miles-Exploratory Learning Center B
Milestones Charter School B
Millennium High School C
Miller Elementary School C
Mingus Springs Charter School C
Mingus Union High School C
Mirage Elementary School B
Mission Heights Preparatory High School B
Mission Manor Elementary School C
Mission Montessori Academy C
Mission View Elementary School C
Mitchell Elementary School C
Mobile Elementary School NR
Mogollon High School B
Mogollon Jr High School C
Mohave Accelerated Elementary School B
Mohave Accelerated Elementary School East B
Mohave Accelerated Learning Center B B
Mohave High School C
Mohave Middle School B
Mohave Valley Junior High School B
Mohawk Valley School B
Monte Vista Elementary School C
Montebello School C
Montessori Academy C
Montessori Charter School of Flagstaff – Campus B
Montessori Day Public Schools Chartered – Mountainside B
Montessori Day Public Schools Chartered – Tempe NR
Montessori De Santa Cruz – St. Ann’s Hall NR
Montessori Education Centre Charter School – Mesa A
Montessori Education Centre Charter School – North Campus B
Montessori House Charter School NR
Montessori Schoolhouse NR
Monument Valley High School C
Moon Mountain School C
Moon Valley High School A
Morenci High School B
Morgan Maxwell School C
Morris K. Udall Escuela de Bellas Artes C
Morristown Elementary School B
Mount Elden Middle School C
Mountain Oak Charter School D
Mountain Pointe High School B
Mountain Ridge High School B
Mountain School B
Mountain Shadows Elementary School C
Mountain Sky Middle School B
Mountain Trail Middle School C
Mountain View B
Mountain View Elementary School C
Mountain View Elementary School C
Mountain View High School B
Mountain View High School B
Mountain View Preparatory School B
Mountain View School C
Mountain Vista Academy NR NR
Mountain Vista School C
Mountainside Middle School A
Moya Elementary C
Mt Tipton Elementary School D
Myers-Ganoung Elementary School D
Naco Elementary School C
Nadaburg Elementary School B
Nautilus Elementary School B
Navajo Elementary School A
Navarrete Elementary B
Neely Traditional Academy A
Nevitt Elementary School C
New Horizon School for the Performing Arts C
New River Elementary School C
New School for the Arts C
New School for the Arts Middle School F
New World Educational Center B
Newell Barney Middle School B
NFL YET College Prep Academy C B
Nikolaus Homestead Elementary School B
Noah Webster Schools- Mesa B
Noah Webster Schools-Pima C
Nogales High School B
Norterra Canyon K-8 A
North Canyon High School C
North High School C
North Pointe Preparatory D C
North Ranch Elementary School B
Northern AZ Academy for Career Dev. – Taylor NR
Northland Preparatory Academy B A
Northpoint Expeditionary Learning Academy C
O C Johnson School C
Oak Creek Elementary School B
Oak Tree Elementary A
Oakwood Elementary School B
Oasis Elementary School B
Ochoa Elementary School F
O’Connor Elementary School B
Ocotillo Ridge Elementary A
Ocotillo School B
Odyssey Institute for Advanced and International Studies C B
Old Vail Middle School A
Omega Alpha Academy School C D
Open Doors Community School D
Orange Grove Elementary School C
Orange Grove Middle School A
Orangewood School C
Oro Grande Elementary School C
Osborn Middle School B
Owens Elementary School NR
P T Coe Elementary School B
Page High School C
Page Middle School D
Painted Desert Montessori, LLC F
Painted Sky Elementary School C
Palm Lane C
Palm Valley Elementary B
Palmcroft Elementary School B
Palo Verde Elementary School B
Palo Verde High Magnet School D
Palo Verde Middle School C
Palo Verde School C
Palominas Elementary School B
Palomino Intermediate School C
Pan-American Charter School B C
Pantano High School NR
Papago School D
Paradise Education Center A
Paradise Honors High School A
Paradise Valley High School B
Paragon Science Academy A C
Paramount Academy D
Park Meadows Elementary School B
Park View Middle School A
Parker High School C
Parkridge Elementary A
Parkview Elementary B
Paseo Hills Elementary C
Paseo Pointe School C
Paseo Verde Elementary School B
Patagonia Elementary School C
Patagonia Montessori School NR
Patagonia Union High School C
Pathfinder Academy B
Patriot Academy F
Patterson Elementary B
Patterson Elementary School B
Paul Dunbar Lawrence School D
Paul H Huber Jr High School D
Paulden Community School C
Paulo Freire Freedom School – Downtown B
Paulo Freire Freedom School – University C
Payson High School B
Peach Springs School F
Pearce Elementary School B
Pecan Grove Elementary School C
Pendergast Elementary School C
Pensar Academy A
Peoria Elementary School C
Peoria High School B
Peoria Traditional School A
Peralta School C
Peralta Trail Elementary School B
Percy L Julian School D
Perry High School B
Phoenix Advantage Charter School D
Phoenix Coding Academy C
Phoenix College Preparatory Academy A
Phoenix Collegiate Academy Charter School F
Phoenix Collegiate Academy Elementary, LLC B
Phoenix Collegiate Academy High School D
Phoenix Union Bioscience High School A
Picacho School D
Picture Rocks Elementary D
Pieceful Solutions Charter School NR
Pima Butte Elementary School B
Pima Elementary School C
Pima Elementary School A
Pima High School B
Pima Junior High School C
Pima Prevention Partnership-Tucson NR
Pima Rose Academy NR
Pine Forest School C
Pine Strawberry Elementary School A
Pinnacle Charter High School NR
Pinnacle Charter High School NR
Pinnacle High School B
Pinnacle High School – Casa Grande NR
Pinnacle High School – Tempe NR
Pinnacle Peak Elementary School A
Pinnacle Pointe Academy B
Pinon Accelerated Middle School D
Pinon Elementary School D
Pinon High School F
Pioneer Elementary School C
Pioneer Elementary School A
Pioneer Preparatory – A Challenge Foundation C
Pistor Middle School F
Playa del Rey Elementary School A
PLC Arts Academy at Scottsdale, Inc. B
Pomerene Elementary School B
Pomeroy Elementary School A
Porfirio H. Gonzales Elementary School B
Porter Elementary School B
Poston Butte High School NR C
Poston Junior High School B
Power Ranch Elementary B
Precision Academy NR
Prescott High School C
Prescott Mile High Middle School B
Prescott Valley School B NR
Presidio School A A
Pueblo Del Sol Elementary School B
Pueblo Del Sol Middle School D
Pueblo Elementary School A
Pueblo Elementary School B
Pueblo Gardens Elementary C
Pueblo High Magnet School C
Quail Run Elementary School A
Quail Run Elementary School B
Quartz Hill Elementary A
Quartzsite Elementary School C
Queen Creek Elementary School B
Queen Creek High School B
Queen Creek Middle School C
Quentin Elementary School C
R E Simpson School D
R Pete Woodard Jr High School C
Rainbow Valley Elementary School C
Ralph Waldo Emerson Elementary School D
Ranch Elementary School C
Rancho Gabriela B
Rancho Santa Fe Elementary School A
Rancho Viejo Elementary School C
Rattlesnake Ridge Elementary A
Raul Grijalva Elementary School D
Raul H. Castro Middle School C
Ray Borane Middle School F
Ray Elementary School B
Ray JR/SR High School D C
Raymond S. Kellis C
Red Mesa Elementary School F
Red Mesa High School C
Red Mesa Junior High School D
Red Mountain High School B
Red Mountain Ranch Elementary B
Red Rock Elementary School B
Red Valley/Cove High School NR
Redbird Elementary School B
Redfield Elementary School A
Reid Traditional Schools’ Painted Rock Academy A
Reid Traditional Schools’ Valley Academy A
Reyes Maria Ruiz Leadership Academy B
Rhodes Junior High School C
Rice Elementary School F
Richard B Wilson Jr School B
Richard E Miller School C
Ridgeline Academy-A Challenge Foundation Academy, Inc. A
Riggs Elementary A
Rillito Center NR NR
Rim Country Middle School B
Rincon High School C
Rincon Vista Middle School A
Rio Colorado Elementary School C
Rio Rico High School C
Rio Vista Elementary C
Rio Vista Elementary School C
River Valley High School C
Rivera Elementary B
Riverbend Prep C
Riverside Traditional School C
Riverview School C
Roadrunner Elementary School B
Roadrunner Elementary School C
Robert and Danell Tarwater Elementary C
Robert Bracker Elementary A
Robert Richardson Elementary School B
Roberts Naylor D
Robins Elementary School B
Robison Elementary School B
Robles Elementary School B
Robson Elementary School C
Rogers Ranch School B
Ron Watson Middle School B
Ronald Reagan Fundamental School B
Roosevelt Elementary School B
Roosevelt School D
Roskruge Bilingual Magnet Middle School D
Round Rock Elementary School NR
Round Valley Elementary School C
Round Valley High School C
Round Valley Middle School C
Rover Elementary School B
Royal Palm Middle School C
Rudy G Bologna Elementary D
Ruth Fisher Elementary School B
Ruth Powell Elementary School A
Sabino High School B
SABIS International C
Sacaton Elementary D
Sacaton Middle School D
Saddleback Elementary School C
Safford Engineering/Technology Magnet Middle School D
Safford High School B
Safford Middle School C
Sage Academy B
Saguaro Elementary School D
Saguaro High School B
Sahuarita High School C
Sahuarita Intermediate School C
Sahuarita Middle School C
Sahuaro High School B
Sahuaro Ranch Elementary School B
Sahuaro School B
Salk Elementary School C
Salome Elementary School C
Salome High School C
Salt River High School D D
Sam Hughes Elementary A
San Carlos Secondary F D
San Carlos Unified School District #20 Alternative Center NR
San Cayetano Elementary School B
San Fernando Elementary School NR
San Luis High School D
San Luis Middle School D
San Manual Jr. High School F
San Manuel High School D
San Marcos Elementary School D
San Simon School B D
San Tan Charter School B NR
San Tan Elementary A
San Tan Foothills High School C
San Tan Heights Elementary B
Sanborn Elementary School C
Sanders Elementary School D
Sanders Middle School D
Sandpiper Elementary School A
Sandra Day O’Connor High School B
Santa Clara Elementary School B
Santa Cruz Elementary School B
Santa Cruz Valley Union High School D
Santa Fe Elementary School B
Santa Maria Middle School C
Santa Rita High School D
Santa Rosa Elementary School C
Santan Elementary A
Santan Junior High School C
Sarah Marley School C
Satori Charter School B
Scales Technology Academy C
SchoolName K-8LetterGrade 9-12LetterGrade
Scott L Libby Elementary School A
Scottsdale Country Day School A
Secrist Middle School F
Sedona Charter School B
Sedona Red Rock Junior/Senior High School C B
Self Development Academy-Phoenix B
Self Development Charter School A
Seligman Elementary School D
Seligman High School F
Senita Valley Elementary School A
Sentinel Elementary School NR
Sequoia Charter School D F
Sequoia Pathway Academy C C
Sequoia Redwood Charter School B
Sequoia Village High School C
Sequoia Village School D
Sequoya Elementary School A
Settlers Point Elementary B
Seven Mile School D
Sevilla West School C
Shadow Mountain High School B
Shadow Ridge High School C
Shaw Butte School C
Shea Middle School D
Sheely Farms Elementary School C
Shepherd Junior High School C
Shonto Preparatory Technology High School NR
Show Low High School C
Show Low Junior High School C
Shumway Leadership Academy C
Sierra 2-8 School D
Sierra Linda High School C
Sierra Verde Elementary B
Silvestre S Herrera School D
Sinagua Middle School D
Sirrine Elementary School B
Skull Valley Elementary School NR
Sky Islands NR
Sky View Elementary School B
Skyline High School C
Skyline Ranch Elementary School C
Skyview School B
Smith Junior High School C
Smoketree Elementary School B
Snowflake High School A
Snowflake Intermediate School B
Snowflake Junior High School A
Solano School C
Soleng Tom Elementary School A
Solomon Elementary School C
Somerton Middle School C
Sonoma Ranch Elementary School B
Sonoran Desert School NR NR
Sonoran Foothills A
Sonoran Heights Elementary B
Sonoran Science Academy – Broadway A
Sonoran Science Academy – Davis Monthan B B
Sonoran Science Academy – Phoenix B B
Sonoran Science Academy – Tucson A B
Sonoran Science Academy-Peoria B
Sonoran Sky Elementary School A
Sonoran Sky Elementary School D
Sonoran Trails Middle School B
Sopori Elementary School C
Sossaman Middle School B
Sousa Elementary School C
South Mountain High School C
South Phoenix Prep and Arts Academy C
South Ridge High School B
South Valley Jr. High A
South Verde Technology Magnet NR
Southside Community School B
Southwest Elementary School B
Southwest Jr. High School C
Spectrum Elementary B
St David Elementary School B
St David High School B
St Johns High School B
St Johns Middle School A
St. Johns Learning Center NR
Stanfield Elementary School F
Stapley Junior High School B
STAR Charter School C
Starlight Park School B
Starline Elementary School A
Stepping Stones Academy C
Stetson Hills Elementary B
Steven R. Jasinski Elementary School D
Stevenson Elementary School B
Stevenson Elementary School C
Sturgeon Cromer Elementary School C
Summit Academy B
Summit School NR NR
Summit View Elementary B
Sun Canyon School C
Sun Valley Charter School B
Sun Valley Elementary School B
Sunburst School B
Sundance Elementary C
Sundance Elementary School C
Sunflower School NR NR
Sunland Elementary School C
Sunnyside High School C
Sunnyslope Elementary School C
Sunnyslope High School A
Sunridge Elementary School C
Sunrise Drive Elementary School B
Sunrise Elementary C
Sunrise Elementary School C
Sunrise Elementary School A
Sunrise Middle School C
Sunrise Mountain High School B
Sunset Canyon School B
Sunset Heights Elementary School A
Sunset Hills Elementary C
Sunset Ridge Elementary A
Sunset Ridge Elementary School B
Sunset School B
Sunset School A
Sunset Vista B
Superior Junior High School B
Superior Senior High School D
Superstition Springs Elementary B
Surprise Elementary School B
Sweetwater Community School NR NR
Sweetwater School B
Sycamore Elementary School A
SySTEM Phoenix C
T G Barr School C
T. Dale Hancock Elementary School A
Taft Elementary School A
Tanque Verde Elementary School C
Tanque Verde High School A
Tartesso Elementary School B
Tavan Elementary School C
Taylor Hicks School B
Taylor Intermediate School A
Taylor Junior High School C
Telesis Preparatory C
Telesis Preparatory Academy B
Tempe Academy of International Studies McKemy Campus C
Tempe High School C
Tempe Preparatory Academy B A
Terramar Elementary A
Thatcher Elementary School C
Thatcher High School C
Thatcher Middle School B
The Early Career Academy NR
The Farm at Mission Montessori Academy A
The Grande Innovation C
The Odyssey Preparatory Academy C
The Odyssey Preparatory Academy Goodyear B
The Odyssey Preparatory Academy Sienna Hills C
The Paideia Academy of South Phoenix C
The Peak School B
The Rising School C NR
The Shelby School NR NR
Thomas A Edison School C
Thomas M Knoles Elementary School C
Thompson Ranch Elementary C
Thornydale Elementary School B
Thunderbird High School A
Thunderbolt Middle School F
Tierra Del Sol Elementary School B
Tolleson Union High School C
Tolson Elementary School B
Toltec Elementary School D
Tomahawk School B
Tombstone High School B
Tonalea K-8 C
Tonopah Valley High School C
Tonto Basin Elementary A
Topock Elementary School D
Tortolita Middle School D
Town & Country Elementary School C
Towne Meadows Elementary School A
Trailside Point Elementary B
Tres Rios Elementary School B
Trevor Browne High School C
Tri-City College Prep High School A
Triumphant Learning Center B
Tsaile Elementary School B
Tsehootsooi Dine Bi’Olta NR
Tsehootsooi Intermediate Learning Center D
Tsehootsooi Middle School D
Tuba City Alternative School NR
Tuba City High School C
Tuba City Junior High School D
Tuba City Primary School D
Tucson Collegiate Prep NR
Tucson Country Day School C
Tucson International Academy C NR
Tucson International Academy Midvale C NR
Tucson Magnet High School C
Tully Elementary Accelerated Magnet School C
Tumbleweed Elementary School B
Tuscano Elementary School C
Twin Peaks Elementary School A
University High School A
University High School A
Utterback Middle School D
V H Lassen Elementary School D
Vail Academy & High School A A
Val Vista Lakes Elementary School B
Valencia Middle School F
Valentine Elementary School D
Valle Del Encanto Learning Center B
Valley High School C
Valley Horizon Elementary School C
Valley Union High School C
Valley View Elementary School B
Valley View School D
Valley Vista High School C
Van Buskirk Elementary School A
Vector Prep and Arts Academy D
Ventana Vista Elementary School B
Verde Valley Montessori School – A Center for Creative Education NR
Vernon Elementary School B
Verrado Elementary School B
Verrado Heritage Elementary School A
Verrado High School B
Verrado Middle School A
Vesey Elementary School C
Victory High School – Campus NR
Villa De Paz Elementary School C
Villa Montessori – Phoenix Campus B
Village Meadows Elementary School B
Village Meadows Elementary School A
Villago Middle School C
Vision Charter School NR
Vista College Preparatory A
Vista del Sur Accelerated A
Vista Grande High School C
Vista Peak NR NR
Vista Verde Middle School D
Vistancia Elementary School A
Vulture Peak Middle School C
W Arthur Sewel Elementary School B
W F Killip Elementary School C
W V Whitmore Elementary School C
Wade Carpenter Middle School D
Walden Grove High School C
Walker Butte K-8 D
Wallace Elementary School D
Wallace Jr High School C
Walter Douglas Elementary School B
Walter J Meyer School C
Ward Traditional Academy A
Washington Elementary School A
Washington Elementary School C
Washington High School B
Washington School C
Webster Elementary School B
Weinberg Elementary School C
Weitzel’s Puente de Hozho Bilingual Magnet School D
Wellton Elementary School B
Wenden Elementary School D
West Elementary School D
West Point Elementary School B
West Sedona Elementary School C
West Wing Elementary A
Westar Elementary School C
Western Peaks Elementary B
Western School of Science and Technology B C
Western Sky Middle School A
Western Valley Elementary School C
Western Valley Middle School D
Westland School F C
Westland School Brighton Campus F F
Westpark Elementary School B
Westview High School C
Westwind Elementary School B
Westwood High School C
Wheeler Elementary School C
Whipple Ranch Elementary School NR
Whispering Wind Academy B
White Cliffs Middle School D
Whiteriver Elementary F
Whitman Elementary School A
Whittier Elementary School B
Whittier Elementary School B
Wickenburg High School NR C
Wigwam Creek Middle School B
Wildfire Elementary School A
Wildflower School A
Willcox Elementary School B
Willcox High School C
Willcox Middle School B
William R Sullivan Elementary School C
William T Machan Elementary School C
Williams Elementary/Middle School B
Williams Field High School B
Williams High School B
Willie & Coy Payne Jr. High B
Willis Junior High School C
Willow Canyon High School B
Willow Creek Charter School D
Wilson Elementary School C
Wilson Elementary School A
Window Rock High School F
Winifred Harelson Elementary School A
Winslow High School C
Winslow Junior High School C
Wood School D
Yarnell Elementary School C NR
Yavapai Elementary School B
Young Elementary School NR
Young High School NR
Young Scholars Academy C
Youngker High School B
Youth Works Charter High School NR
Yucca Elementary School NR
Yuma High School C
Zaharis Elementary A
Zuni Hills Elementary School B

Arizona School Lead in Water Testing Information

ADEQ’s lead testing program has been fairly opaque. Even a search for information about contamination is not easy. Once interested parties successfully search ADEQ’s website for the correct page, the link to the results is barely visible. Below, find the scheduled testing of schools, whether testing was conducted and the results, to date, of that testing. [View the complete report here]

Schools Screening Scheduled | Screening Sample | Collection Date | Results To Date:

District|School Screening
Screening Sample

Collection Date
Result Above Screening Level Number of Samples
Above 15 PPB
Number of Drinking Water
Samples Above 15 PPB
ADEQ Recommended Corrective
Agua Fria Union H S District
Agua Fria H S
Yes 3/13/2017 Yes 1 1 Shut off water to drinking water fixture
Agua Fria Union H S District
Millennium H S
Yes 3/13/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Alhambra Elem District
Andalucia Middle School
Yes 4 4 Shut off water to drinking waterfixture above 50ppb, flushing for drinking water fixture below 50ppb
Alhambra Elem District
Barcelona Middle School
Yes 1 1 Shut off water to drinking water fixture
Alhambra Elem District
Catalina Ventura School
Yes 2/8/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Alhambra Elem District
Cordova Middle School
Yes 2/10/2017 Yes 3 3 Shut off water to drinking water fixture above 50ppb, flushing for drinking water fixture below 50ppb
Alhambra Elem District
Cordova Primary School
Yes 2/8/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Alhambra Elem District
Granada East School
Yes 1/24/2017 Yes 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Alhambra Elem District
Sevilla West
Yes 2/9/2017 Yes 1 Shut off water to building E
Alhambra Elem District
Westwood Primary School
Yes 2/10/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Alpine Elem District
Alpine Elem School
Yes 2/2/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Altar Valley Elem District
Robles Elem
Yes 4/24/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Altar Valley Elem District
Administration/Transportation Center
Yes 4/24/2017 Yes 1
Amphitheater Unified District
Amphitheater H S
Amphitheater Unified District
Canyon Del Oro H S
Amphitheater Unified District
Copper Creek Elem School
Amphitheater Unified District
Coronado K-8 School
Amphitheater Unified District
El Hogar De La Paz (formerly Graphics and Printing)
Yes 4/25/2017 Yes 1 Post sign at non-drinking water fixture
Amphitheater Unified District
Ironwood Ridge H S
Amphitheater Unified District
Lawrence W Cross Middle School
Amphitheater Unified District
Marion Donaldson Elem School
Yes 5/5/2017 Yes 1 1
Amphitheater Unified District
Painted Sky Elem
Amphitheater Unified District
Richard B Wilson Jr School
Amphitheater Unified District
Wetmore Center
Amphitheater Unified District
Winifred Harelson Elem School
Apache Junction Unified District
Apache Junction H S
Yes 2/8/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Avondale Elem District
Avondale Middle School
Yes 3/6/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Avondale Elem District
Support Service
Yes 3/6/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
District|School Screening
Screening Sample

Collection Date
Result Above Screening Level Number of Samples
Above 15 PPB
Number of Drinking Water
Samples Above 15 PPB
ADEQ Recommended Corrective
Bagdad Unified District
Bagdad Elem and H S
Yes 3/13/2017 Yes 1 1 Shut off water to drinking water fixture
Balsz Elem District
Griffith Elem School
Yes 4/25/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Bisbee Unified District
Bisbee H S
Y 5/3/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Bisbee Unified District
Bisbee Middle School
Bisbee Unified District
Greenway Primary School
Bisbee Unified District
Lowell Junior H S
Blue Ridge Unified District
Blue Ridge H S
Yes 2/7/2017 Yes 3 2 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Blue Ridge Unified District
Blue Ridge Intermediate School (formerly Middle School)
Yes 2/15/2017 Yes 2 1 Shut off water to old board room
Bowie Unified District
Bowie H S
Yes 3/27/2017 Yes 1 Non-drinking water fixture, post sign not to drink the water.
District|School Screening
Screening Sample

Collection Date
Result Above Screening Level Number of Samples
Above 15 PPB
Number of Drinking Water
Samples Above 15 PPB
ADEQ Recommended Corrective
Cartwright Elem District
Byron A Barry Elem School
Yes 3/8/2017 Yes 3 3 Shut off water to drinking water fixture above 50ppb, flushing for drinking water fixture below 50ppb
Cartwright Elem District
Cartwright Preschool & Gifted Center
Yes 3/21/2017 Yes 6 3 flushing recommended at drinking water fixtures above 15 PPB. Shut of drinking water fixtures above 50 PPB.
Cartwright Elem District
Estrella Middle School
Yes 3/16/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Cartwright Elem District
Flor del Sol
Yes 3/8/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Cartwright Elem District
Heatherbrae Elem School
Yes 3/20/2017 Yes 5 Flushing recommended at non-drinking water fixtures
Cartwright Elem District
John F Long School
Yes 3/8/2017 Yes 1 Flushing recommended at non-drinking water fixture
Cartwright Elem District
Palm Lane Elem School
Yes 3/7/2017 & 3/10/17 Yes 4 4 Shut off water to drinking water fixture
Cartwright Elem District
Peralta Elem School
Yes 3/7/2017 Yes 3 Flushing recommended at non-drinking water fixture
Cartwright Elem District
Starlight Park School
Yes 3/22/2017 Yes 5 5 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixtures above 15 PPB. Shut of drinking water fixtures above 50 PPB.
Cartwright Elem District
Tomahawk Elem School
Yes 3/23/2017 Yes 9 9 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixtures above 15 PPB. Shut of drinking water fixtures above 50 PPB.
Casa Grande Elem District
Casa Grande Middle School (formerly Junior H S)
Yes 2/9/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Casa Grande Elem District
Palo Verde School
Yes 2/8/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Casa Grande Elem District
Saguaro Elem School
Yes 2/7/2017 Yes 1 1 Drinking water shut off to building. Building scheduled for demolition in Summer 2017
Catalina Foothills Unified District
Orange Grove Middle School
Yes 4/4/2017 Yes 1 Put sign on non-drinking water source recommended
Cave Creek Unified District
Black Mountain Elem (formerly Sonoran Trails Middle School)
Yes 3/27/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Cave Creek Unified District
Cave Creek Learning Center (formerly Black Mountain Elem School)
Yes 3/27/2017
Cave Creek U S D
Desert Aroyo Middle
Yes 3/27/2017 Yes 2 2
Cave Creek U S D
District Office
Yes 3/27/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Cedar Unified District
Jeddito School
Chandler Unified District
Anna Marie Jacobson Elem School
Yes 4/3/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Chandler Unified District
Chandler H S
Yes 4/5/2017 Yes 2 All high results at non drinking water fixtures/post signs at fixtures
Chandler Unified District
Clifford J Goodman Elem School
Yes 4/3/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Chandler Unified District
John M Andersen Jr H S
Yes 4/3/2017 Yes 5 All high results at non drinking water fixtures/post signs at fixtures
Chandler Unified District
Knox Elem School
Yes 4/3/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Chandler Unified District
San Marcos (Denver) Elem School
Yes 4/4/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Chinle Unified District
Canyon DeChelly Elem (formerly Chinle Primary School)
Chinle Unified District
Chinle Elem School
Chinle Unified District
Chinle H S
Chinle Unified District
Chinle Junior H S
Chinle Unified District
Many Farms Elem School
Chinle Unified District
Mesa View Elem School
Chinle Unified District
Tsaile Elem School
Chinle Unified District
Vocational Agriculture
Clarkdale-Jerome Elem District
Clarkdale-Jerome Elem School
Yes 2/22/2017 Yes 2 2 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Colorado River Union H S District
River Valley H S
Coolidge Unified District
West Elem School
Yes 3/2/2017 Yes 1 1 Shut off water to drinking water fixture
Crane Elem District
Crane Middle School
Yes 2/16/2017 Yes 1 Flushing recommended at non-drinking water fixture
Creighton Elem District
Biltmore Preparatory Academy (formerly Squaw Peak Elem School)
Yes 2/22/2017 and 2/23/2017 Yes 1 1 Shut off water to drinking water fixture
Creighton Elem District
Creighton Elem School
Yes 2/16/2017 Yes 7 5 Shut off water to drinking water fixture above 50ppb, flushing for drinking water fixture below 50ppb
Creighton Elem District
Larry C Kennedy School
Yes 2/16/2017 & 2/21/17 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Creighton Elem District
Loma Linda Elem School
Yes 2/15/17 & 2/21/17 Yes 3 3 Shut off water to drinking water fixture above 50ppb, flushing for drinking water fixture below 50ppb
District|School Screening
Screening Sample

Collection Date
Result Above Screening Level Number of Samples
Above 15 PPB
Number of Drinking Water
Samples Above 15 PPB
ADEQ Recommended Corrective
Deer Valley Unified District
Desert Sky Middle School
Yes 4/19/2017 Yes 2 Post sign non drinking water sources
Deer Valley Unified District
Esperanza Elem School
Yes 3/24/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Deer Valley Unified District
Mountain Ridge H S
Yes 3/23/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Deer Valley Unified District
Park Meadows Elem School
Yes 3/31/2017 Yes 2 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Deer Valley Unified District
Village Meadows Elem School
Yes 3/30/2017 Yes 3 Post sign non drinking water sources
Douglas Unified District
Paul H Huber Middle School
Yes 2/16/2017 Yes 1 Non-drinking water fixture, post sign not to drink the water.
Duncan Unified District
Duncan H S
Yes 3/25/2017 Yes 1 1 Shut off water to drinking water fixture
Flagstaff Unified District
Charles W Sechrist Elem School
Flagstaff Unified District
Coconino H S
Flagstaff Unified District
Eva Marshall Elem School
Flagstaff Unified District
Flagstaff H S
Flagstaff Unified District
Flagstaff Middle School
Flagstaff Unified District
John Q Thomas Elem School
Flagstaff Unified District
Lura KinseyElem School
Flagstaff Unified District
Manuel DeMiguel Elem School
Flagstaff Unified District
Mount Elden Middle School
Flagstaff Unified District
Neil V Christensen School
Flagstaff Unified District
Puente de Hozho (formerly Thomas R Weitzel Elem School)
Flagstaff Unified District
Sinagua Middle School (formerly Sinagua H S)
Flagstaff Unified District
Thomas M Knoles Elem School
Flagstaff Unified District
W F Killip Elem School
Yes 1/7/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Flagstaff Unified District
Leupp Public School
Flowing Wells Unified District
Flowing Wells H S
Flowing Wells Unified District
Flowing Wells Junior H S
Flowing Wells Unified District
former Sentinel Peak H S (replaced FY11)
Flowing Wells Unified District
Walter Douglas Elem School
Fredonia-Moccasin Unified District
Fredonia Elem School
Fredonia-Moccasin Unified District
Fredonia H S
Yes 3/6/17 & 3/7/17 Yes 3 3 Shut off water to drinking water fixtures
Fredonia-Moccasin Unified District
Moccasin Elem School
District|School Screening
Screening Sample

Collection Date
Result Above Screening Level Number of Samples
Above 15 PPB
Number of Drinking Water
Samples Above 15 PPB
ADEQ Recommended Corrective
Gadsden Elem District
Cesar Chavez Elem
Yes 3/24/2017 None
Gadsden Elem District
Rio Colorado Elem School
Gadsden Elem District
San Luis Middle School
Gadsden Elem District
Southwest Junior High
Ganado Unified District
Ganado H S
Ganado Unified District
Ganado Intermediate School
Ganado Unified District
Ganado Middle School
Gila Bend Unified District
Gila Bend Elem
Yes 4/3/2017 Yes 1 1 Shut off water to drinking water fixtures
Gilbert Unified District
Canyon Valley School (formerly GPS Learning Center and ACE)
Yes 2/23/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Gilbert Unified District
Desert Ridge Jr. H S
Yes 3/31/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Gilbert Unified District
Gilbert Elem School
Yes 2/25/2017 Yes 5 5 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Gilbert Unified District
Highland H S
Yes 2/26/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Gilbert Unified District
Mesquite Junior H S
Yes 2/15/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Gilbert Unified District
District Office/Admin Center
Yes 2/18/2017 Yes 3 3 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Glendale Elem District
Challenger Middle School
Yes 3/9/2017 Yes 2 Post sign at non-drinking water source above 50ppb, flushing for non-drinking water fixture below 50ppb
Glendale Elem District
Glendale Landmark Middle School
Yes 3/10/2017 Yes 2 Post sign at non-drinking water fixture above 50ppb, flushing for non-drinking waterfixture below 50ppb
Glendale Union H S District
Apollo H S
Yes 3/21/2017 Yes 3 2 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Glendale Union H S District
Cortez H S
Yes 3/8/2017 Yes 1 1 Shut off water to drinking water fixture
Glendale Union H S District
Glendale H S
Yes 3/28/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Glendale Union H S District
Metro Academy (formerly Christown Academy)
Glendale Union H S District
Moon Valley H S
Yes 3/14/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Glendale Union H S District
Washington H S
Yes 3/10/2017 Yes 3 3 Shut off water to drinking water fixture above 50ppb, flushing for drinking water fixture below 50ppb
Graham County Special Services
Brighter Day Preschool
District|School Screening
Screening Sample

Collection Date
Result Above Screening Level Number of Samples
Above 15 PPB
Number of Drinking Water
Samples Above 15 PPB
ADEQ Recommended Corrective
Hayden-Winkelman Unified District
Hayden H S
Yes 3/29/2017 Yes 7 5 Shut off water to drinking water fixture above 50ppb, flushing for drinking water fixture below 50ppb
Hayden-Winkelman Unified District
Leonor Hambly Middle School
Yes 3/30/2017 Yes 2 2 Shut off water to drinking water fixture
Hayden-Winkelman Unified District
Winkelman Intermediate School
Hayden-Winkelman Unified District
Winkelman Primary School
Higley Unified District
Cooley Middle School
Yes 3/23/2017 Yes 1 1
Higley Unified District
Higley Traditional Academy (formerly Higley Elem School)
Holbrook Unified District
Elem School
Holbrook Unified District
Indian Wells Elem
Humboldt Unified District
Humboldt Elem School
Yes 2/27/1027 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
District|School Screening
Screening Sample

Collection Date
Result Above Screening Level Number of Samples
Above 15 PPB
Number of Drinking Water
Samples Above 15 PPB
ADEQ Recommended Corrective
Indian Oasis-Baboquivari Unified District
Baboquivari Alternative H S
Indian Oasis-Baboquivari Unified District
Baboquivari Middle School
Indian Oasis-Baboquivari Unified District
Indian Oasis Intermediate School
Indian Oasis-Baboquivari Unified District
Indian Oasis Primary School
Isaac Elem District
Alta E ButlerSchool
Yes 4/13/2017 Yes 1 Post sign at non-drinking water source
Isaac Elem District
Escuela Azteca
Isaac Elem District
J B Sutton Elem School
Yes 4/12/2017 Yes 3 3 Shut off water to drinking water fixture above 50ppb, flushing for drinking water fixture below 50ppb
Isaac Elem District
Joseph Zito Elem School
Yes 4/7/2017 Yes 2 2 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Isaac Elem District
P T Coe Elem School
Yes 4/6/2017 Yes 3 3 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixtures above 15 PPB. Shut of drinking water fixtures above 50 PPB.
District|School Screening
Screening Sample

Collection Date
Result Above Screening Level Number of Samples
Above 15 PPB
Number of Drinking Water
Samples Above 15 PPB
ADEQ Recommended Corrective
Joseph City Unified District
Joseph City Jr/Sr H S
Yes 4/3/2017 Yes 1 All high results at non drinking water fixtures/post signs at fixtures
Kayenta Unified District
Challenge Center
Kayenta Unified District
Kayenta C.O.P.E. Center
Kayenta Unified District
Kayenta Elem School (formerly Intermediate School)
Kayenta Unified District
Kayenta Middle School
Kayenta Unified District
Kayenta Primary School
Kayenta Unified District
Monument Valley H S
Kyrene Elem District
C I Waggoner School
Kyrene Elem District
Kyrene Akimel A-al Middle School
Yes 2/12/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Kyrene Elem District
Kyrene Altadena Middle School
Yes 2/12/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Kyrene Elem District
Kyrene de los Ninos School
District|School Screening
Screening Sample

Collection Date
Result Above Screening Level Number of Samples
Above 15 PPB
Number of Drinking Water
Samples Above 15 PPB
ADEQ Recommended Corrective
Lake Havasu Unified District
Lake Havasu H S
Lake Havasu Unified District
Smoketree Elem School
Yes 4/29/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Lake Havasu Unified District
Thunderbolt Middle School
Yes 4/29/2017 Yes None
Litchfield Elem District
Litchfield Elem School
Yes 3/13/2017 Yes 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Littleton Elem District
Littleton Elem School
Yes 3/21/2017 Yes 1 Flushing recommended at non-drinking water fixture
Madison Elem District
Madison Meadows School
Yes 2/2/2017 Yes 1 Flushing recommended at non-drinking water fixture. Building scheduled for demolition Summer 2017.
Maine Consolidated District
Maine Consolidated School
Yes 3/29/2017 Yes 2 Post sign at non-drinking water fixture
Mammoth-San Manuel Unified District
San Manuel H S
Yes 1/5/2017 Yes 1 1 Shut off water to drinking water fixture
Marana Unified District
Butterfield Elem School
Yes 4/6/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Marana Unified District
Marana H S
Y 5/4/2017 Yes 16 14 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Marana Unified District
Mountain View H S
Yes 4/12/2017 Yes 2 2 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Marana Unified District
Tortolita Middle School (formerly Tortolita Junior H S)
Yes 4/7/2017 Yes 1 Sign on non-drinking water fixture recommended
Maricopa U S D
Maricopa H S
Yes 2/17/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Mayer Unified District
Mayer Elem School
Yes 4/1/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
McNary Elem District
McNary Elem School
Mesa Unified District
Adams Elem School
Yes 4/26/2017 Yes 5 5 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixtures
Mesa Unified District
Crismon Elem School
Yes 4/25/2017 Yes 5 5 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixtures above 15 PPB. Shut of drinking water fixtures above 50 PPB.
Mesa Unified District
Dobson H S
Yes 4/25/2017 Yes 2 2 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixtures
Mesa Unified District
East Valley Academy
Mesa Unified District
Eisenhower Elem School
Yes 4/18/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Mesa Unified District
Emerson Elem School
Yes 4/18/2017 and 4/19/2017 Yes 3 3 Shut off water to drinking water fixtures above 50ppb, flush drinking water fixtures below 50ppb
Mesa Unified District
Entz Elem School
Yes 4/26/2017 Yes 2 2 Shut off water to drinking water fixtures above 50ppb, flush drinking water fixtures below 50ppb
Mesa Unified District
Field Elem School
Yes 4/25/2017 and 4/26/10`7 Yes 4 4 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Mesa Unified District
Franklin at Alma Elem School
Yes 4/19/2017 Yes 3 3 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Mesa Unified District
Franklin South Elem
4/21/2017 and 4/24/2017 Yes 7 7 Shut off water to drinking water fixtures above 50ppb, flush drinking water fixtures below 50ppb
Mesa Unified District
Fremont Junior H S
Yes 4/20/2017 and 4/21/2017 Yes 2 2 Shut off water to drinking water fixtures above 50ppb, flush drinking water fixtures below 50ppb
Mesa Unified District
Fremont Transportation (formerly Franklin Northeast School)
Mesa Unified District
Hale Elem School
Yes 4/18/2017 Yes 1 1 Shut off drinking water fixture
Mesa Unified District
Hawthorne Elem School
Yes 4/25/2017 and 4/26/10`7 Yes 2 2 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Mesa Unified District
Hermosa Vista Elem School
Yes 4/26/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing Recommended at drinking water fixture
Mesa Unified District
Highland Elem School
Yes 1 1 Flushing Recommended at drinking water fixture
Mesa Unified District
Holmes Elem School
Yes 5 4 Shut off water to drinking water fixtures above 50ppb, flush drinking water fixtures below 50ppb
Mesa Unified District
Irving Elem School
Yes 2 2 Flushing Recommended at drinking water fixture
Mesa Unified District
Jefferson Elem School
Yes 3 3 Shut off water to drinking water fixtures above 50ppb, flush drinking water fixtures below 50ppb
Mesa Unified District
Johnson Elem School
Yes 1 1 Flushing Recommended at drinking water fixtures
Mesa Unified District
Jordan Center for Early Education (formerly Jordan Elem School)
Yes 4 4 Shut off drinking water to building, flush drinking water fixtures below 50ppb
Mesa Unified District
Keller Elem School
Yes 4/25-26/2017 Yes 2 2 Flushing Recommended at drinking water fixtures
Mesa Unified District
Kino Junior H S
Yes 4/20/2017 Yes 1 Post sign at non-drinking water fixture
Mesa Unified District
Las Sendas Elem School
Yes 4/25/2017 Yes 1 Post sign at non-drinking water fixture
Mesa Unified District
Lehi Elem School
Yes 4/18/2017 Yes 8 8 Flushing Recommended at drinking water fixtures
Mesa Unified District
Lincoln Elem School
Yes 4/18/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing Recommended at drinking water fixture
Mesa Unified District
Lindbergh Elem School
Yes 4/18/2017 and 4/19/2017 Yes 3 3 Flushing Recommended at drinking water fixtures
Mesa Unified District
Longfellow Elem School
Yes 4/18/2017 Yes 3 2 Flushing Recommended at drinking water fixtures
Mesa Unified District
Lowell Elem School
Yes 4/18/2017 and 4/19/2017 Yes 5 5 Shut off water to drinking water fixtures above 50ppb, flush drinking water fixtures below 50ppb
Mesa Unified District
McKellips Learning Center
Yes 4/26/2017 Yes 3 3 Shut off water to drinking water fixtures above 50ppb, flush drinking water fixtures below 50ppb
Mesa Unified District
Mendoza Elem School
Yes 4/13/2017 and 4/17/2017 Yes 2 2 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Mesa Unified District
Mesa H S
Yes 4/20/2017 4/24/2017 and 4/27/2017 Yes 1 1 Shut off water to drinking water fixtures above 50ppb
Mesa Unified District
Mountain View H S
Yes 4/22/2017 and 4/26/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Mesa Unified District
Patterson Elem
Yes 4/20/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Mesa Unified District
Red Mountain Center for Early Eduction (formerly East Mesa Early Childhood)
Mesa Unified District
Redbird Elem School
Yes 4/26/2017 Yes 2 2 Flushing Recommended at drinking water fixtures
Mesa Unified District
Rhodes Junior H S
Yes 4/26/2017 Yes 5 5 Shut off drinking water to building. Flushing Recommended at other drinking water fixtures.
Mesa Unified District
Robson Elem School
Yes 4/26/2017 Yes 2 2 Flushing Recommended at drinking water fixtures
Mesa Unified District
Roosevelt Elem School
Yes 4/26/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing Recommended at drinking water fixture
Mesa Unified District
Salk Elem School
Yes 4/20/2017 Yes 3 3 Shut off water to drinking water fixture above 50ppb, flushing for drinking water fixture below 50ppb
Mesa Unified District
Yes 4/21/2017 and 4/26/2017 Yes 3 3 Shut off water to drinking water fixtures above 50ppb, flush drinking water fixtures below 50ppb
Mesa Unified District
Sirrine Elem School
Yes 4/25/2017 Yes 5 5 Shut off drinking water to the building, flush fixtures at other locations below 50 ppb
Mesa Unified District
Sousa Elem School
Yes 4/21/2017 Yes 2 2 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixtures
Mesa Unified District
Stevenson Elem School
Yes 4/20/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Mesa Unified District
Summit Junior H S (formerly Hendrix)
Yes 4/26/2017 Yes 2 2 Shut off drinking water to the building, flush fixtures at other locations below 50 ppb
Mesa Unified District
Sundown H S
Mesa Unified District
Sunridge Learning Center
Mesa Unified District
Mesa Unified District
Washington Elem School
Mesa Unified District
Webster Elem School
Yes 4/25/2017 and 4/26/2017 Yes 3 3 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Mesa Unified District
Westwood H S
Yes 4/27/2017 Yes 3 3 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Mesa Unified District
Whitman Elem School
Yes 4/18/2017 and 4/19/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Mesa Unified District
Whittier Elem School
Yes 4/18/2017 Yes 2 Post sign at non-drinking water fixtures
Miami Unified District
Lee Kornegay Middle School
Yes 2/15/2017 Yes 4 3 Shut off water to drinking water fixture above 50ppb, flushing for drinking water fixture below 50ppb
Miami Unified District
Miami H S
Yes 2/16/2017 Yes 3 Flushing recommended at non-drinking water fixture
Mohave Valley Elem District
Mohave Valley Elem
Yes 3/21/2017 Yes 1 Hand washing sink was shut off; school is closed and has not had students since the end of 2015
Murphy Elem District
Alfred F Garcia School
Yes 3/31/2017 Yes 3 2
Murphy Elem District
Arthur M Hamilton School
Yes 3/31/2017 Yes 1 Post sign at non drinking water fixture
Murphy Elem District
Jack L Kuban Elem School
Yes 3/31/2017 Yes 3 3 Shut off water to drinking water fixture above 50ppb, flushing for drinking water fixture below 50ppb
Murphy Elem District
William R Sullivan Elem School
Yes 4/4/2017 Yes 3 2 Shut off water to drinking water fixture above 50ppb, flushing for drinking water fixture below 50ppb
District|School Screening
Screening Sample

Collection Date
Result Above Screening Level Number of Samples
Above 15 PPB
Number of Drinking Water
Samples Above 15 PPB
ADEQ Recommended Corrective
Navajo County Accommodation District
Navajo County Instruction for Success (formerlyRainbow Accommodation School
Yes 3/1/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Nogales Unified District
Challenger Elem School
Yes 3/8/2017 Yes 1 Flushing recommended at non-drinking water fixture
Nogales Unified District
Nogales H S
Yes 3/7/2017 Yes 2 2 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Nogales Unified District
Pierson Vocational H S (formerly Santa Cruz Alternative H.S.)
Yes 3/8/2017 Yes 2 Post sign at non-drinking water fixture above 50ppb, flushing for non-drinking water fixture below 50ppb
Oracle Elem District
Oracle Ridge School
Yes 4/1/2017 Yes 2 2 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture: Shut off water to drinking water fixture above 50 ppb
Osborn Elem District
Longview Elem School
Yes 3/14/2017 Yes 1 Post sign at non-drinking water fixture
Page Unified District
Manson Mesa H S
Paradise Valley Unified District
Arrowhead Elem School
Yes 3/7/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Paradise Valley Unified District
Cholla Complex (formerly Gold Dust Elem School)
Yes 3/7/2017 Yes 3 3 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Paradise Valley Unified District
Explorer Middle School
Yes 3/23/2017 Yes 1 Post sign at non-drinking water fixture
Paradise Valley Unified District
Foothills Elem School
Yes 3/20/2017 Yes 1 Post sign at non-drinking water fixture above 50ppb, flushing for non-drinking water fixture below 50ppb
Paradise Valley Unified District
Greenway Middle School
Yes 3/30/2017 Yes 2 Post sign at non-drinking water fixture
Paradise Valley Unified District
Palomino Elem School
3/9/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Paradise Valley Unified District
Polaris H S
Paradise Valley Unified District
Shadow Mountain H S
Yes 4/3/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water source
Paradise Valley Unified District
Sunrise Middle School
Yes 3/29/2017 Yes 2 Post sign at non-drinking water fixtures
Paradise Valley Unified District
Vista Verde Middle School
Yes 3/27/2017 Yes 2 2 Flushing recommended at drinking water sources
Parker U S D
Le Pera Elem School
Yes 3/24/2017 Yes 2 Flushing recommended at non-drinking water fixture
Parker U S D
Parker Alternative School
Parker U S D
Parker H S
Yes 4/11/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Patagonia Elem District
Patagonia Elem School
Patagonia Elem District
Patagonia Middle School
Payson Unified District
Payson H S
Yes 3/21/2017 Yes 4 Flushing recommended at non-drinking water fixture
Peach Springs Unified District
Music Mountain Junior / Senior High
Peach Springs Unified District
Peach Springs School
Pendergast Elem District
Garden Lakes Elem School
Peoria Unified District
Cactus H S
Yes 3/22/2017 Yes 2 2 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Peoria Unified District
Canyon Elem School
Peoria Unified District
Copperwood School
Yes 3/22/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Peoria Unified District
Cotton Ball School
Yes 3/21/2017 Yes 5 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Peoria Unified District
Frontier Elem
Peoria Unified District
Kachina School
Yes 4/7/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Peoria Unified District
Liberty High
Yes 3/20/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Peoria Unified District
Oasis Elem School
Yes 3/21/2017 Yes 1 Post sign at non drtinking water fixture
Peoria Unified District
Parkridge Elem
Yes 3/20/2017 Yes 1 1 Shut off water to drinking water fixture above 50 ppb
Peoria Unified District
Paseo Verde Elem School
Yes 3/20/2017 Yes 1 Post sign at non drtinking water fixture
Peoria Unified District
Peoria Elem School
Yes 3/22/2017 Yes 1 Post sign at non drtinking water fixture
Peoria Unified District
Pioneer School
Yes 4/5/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Peoria Unified District
Sahuaro Ranch School
Yes 3/22/2017 Yes 1 1 Shut off water to drinking water fixture above 50 ppb
Peoria Unified District
Sky View Elem School
Yes 3/21/2017 Yes 1 Post sign at non drtinking water fixture
Peoria Unified District
Sun Valley School
Yes 3/22/2017 Yes 2 1 Shut off water to drinking water fixture above 50 ppb
Peoria Unified District
Sundance Elem School
Yes 3/22/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Phoenix Elem District
Augustus H Shaw Montessori
Yes 4/24/2017 Yes 2 2 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixtures
Phoenix Elem District
Garfield School
Yes 4/19/2017 Yes 4 3 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Phoenix Elem District
Maie Bartlett Heard School
Phoenix Elem District
Mary McLeod Bethune School
Yes 4/25/2017 None
Phoenix Elem District
Paul Dunbar Lawrence School
Yes 3/15/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Phoenix Union H S District
Bostrom Alternative Center
Yes 4/6/2017 Yes 2 Post sign at non-drinking water fixture
Phoenix Union H S District
Carl Hayden H S
Yes 3/24/2017 Yes 4 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Phoenix Union H S District
Maryvale H S
Yes 3/30/2017 Yes 1 Post sign at non-drinking water fixture
Phoenix Union H S District
South Mountain H S
Yes 3/24/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Pima Unified District
Pima Elem School
Pima Unified District
Pima Junior/Senior H S
Pine Strawberry Elem District
Pine Strawberry Elem School
Yes 3/20/2017 Yes 2 1 Shut off water to fixture above 50ppb, flushing for fixture below 50ppb
Pinon Unified District
Pinon Elem School
Pinon Unified District
Pinon H S
Pinon Unified District
Pinon Middle School
Prescott Unified District
Prescott Mile High Middle School
Yes 4/10/2017 Yes 1 1 Shut off water to drinking water fixture
District|School Screening
Screening Sample

Collection Date
Result Above Screening Level Number of Samples
Above 15 PPB
Number of Drinking Water
Samples Above 15 PPB
ADEQ Recommended Corrective
Ray Unified District
Ray Elem School
Yes 3/14/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Ray Unified District
District Office/Facitilies
Yes 3/15/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Red Mesa Unified District
Red Mesa Elem School
Red Mesa Unified District
Red Mesa H S
Red Mesa Unified District
Red Mesa Junior High
Red Mesa Unified District
Red Valley / Cove H S
Red Mesa Unified District
Round Rock Elem School
Roosevelt Elem District
Amy Houston Academy (formerly South Mountain Academy)
Yes 2/18/2017 Yes 3 3 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Roosevelt Elem District
Cloves C. Campbell Elem School
Yes 4/6/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Roosevelt Elem District
John R Davis School
Yes 2/25/207 and 3/1/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Roosevelt Elem District
Rose Linda School
Roosevelt Elem District
Southwest Elem School
Yes 3/21/2007 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Roosevelt Elem District
Student Services Center
Yes 3/21/2007
Round Valley Unified District
Round Valley Primary School
Yes 3/22/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Sacaton Elem District
Sacaton Elem School
Sacaton Elem District
Sacaton Middle School
Safford Unified District
Dorothy Stinson School
Safford Unified District
Mt Graham H S
Safford Unified District
Ruth Powell School
Safford Unified District
Safford H S
Safford Unified District
Safford Middle School
Sahuarita Unified District
Sopori Elem School
Yes 3/31/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Salome Consolidated Elem District
Salome Elem School
San Carlos Unified District
Rice School
San Carlos Unified District
San Carlos Intermediate
Sanders Unified District
Valley H S
Yes 4/4/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Santa Cruz Valley Union H S District
Santa Cruz Valley Union H S
Yes 3/9/17 & 3/10/17 Yes 2 Post sign at non-drinking water fixture above 50ppb, flushing for non-drinking water fixture below 50ppb
Scottsdale Unified District
Apache Site
Yes 3/8/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Scottsdale Unified District
Chaparral H S
Yes 3/1/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Scottsdale Unified District
Cheyenne (formerly Aztec) Elem School
Yes 3/2/2017 Yes 3 3 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Scottsdale Unified District
Desert Mountain H S
Yes 3/6/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Scottsdale Unified District
Hohokam Elem School
Yes 3/8/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Scottsdale Unified District
Hopi Elem School
Yes 3/24/2017 Yes 2 Post a sign at non drinking water sources
Scottsdale Unified District
Navajo Elem School
Yes 3/7/2017 Yes 1 1 Shut off water to drinking water fixture
Scottsdale Unified District
Pima Elem School
Yes 3/8/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Scottsdale Unified District
Tonalea K-8 (formerly Supai Middle School)
Yes 3/8/2017 Yes 1 1 Shut off water to drinking water fixture
Sedona-Oak Creek Joint Unified District
Big Park Community School
Yes 3/31/2017 Yes 1 Flushing recommended at non-drinking water fixture
Sedona-Oak Creek Joint Unified District
West Sedona Elem School
Yes 3/29/2017 Yes 1 Post sign at non-drinking water fixture
Show Low Unified District
White Mountain Institute
Sierra Vista Unified District
Carmichael Elem School
Yes 3/16/2017 Yes 1 1 Shut off water to drinking water fixture
Sierra Vista Unified District
Joyce Clark Middle School (formerly Sierra Vista Middle School)
Yes 3/17/2017 Yes 1 1 Shut off water to drinking water fixture
Sierra Vista Unified District
Pueblo Del Sol Elem School
Yes 3/16/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Sierra Vista Unified District
Special Service Center
Yes 3/17/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Snowflake Unified District
Snowflake H S
Yes 4/3/2017 Yes 1 Flushing recommended at non-drinking water fixture
Solomon Elem District
Solomon Elem School
Yes 4/24/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Sunnyside Unified District
Challenger Middle School
Yes 4/6/2017 Yes 1 Flush water to non-drinking water fixture recommended
Sunnyside Unified District
Desert View H S
Yes 4/13/2017 Yes 1 1 Post sign at non-drinking water fixture
Sunnyside Unified District
Los Ninos Elem School
Yes 4/12/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing drinking water fixture recommended
Sunnyside Unified District
Los Ranchitos School
Yes 4/5/2017 Yes 1 1 Shut off water to drinking water fixture
District|School Screening
Screening Sample

Collection Date
Result Above Screening Level Number of Samples
Above 15 PPB
Number of Drinking Water
Samples Above 15 PPB
ADEQ Recommended Corrective
Tempe Elem District
Nevitt Elem School
Yes 4/6/2017 Yes 3 3 Flushing recommended at non-drinking water fixture
Tempe Union H S District
Marcos de Niza H S
Yes 3/6/2017 Yes 4 1 Post sign at non-drinking water fixture above 50ppb, flushing for drinking water and non-drinking water fixture below 50ppb
Tempe Union H S District
McClintock H S
Yes 3/7/2017 Yes 3 Post sign non-drinking water fixture above 50ppb, flushing for non-drinking water fixture below 50ppb
Tempe Union H S District
Tempe H S
Yes 3/8/2017 Yes 2 Flushing recommended at non-drinking water fixture
Tolleson Union H S District
Tolleson Union H S
Yes 2/22/017 Yes 3 1 Shut off water to fixture
Tombstone Unified District
Huachuca City School
Yes 3/2/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Tombstone Unified District
Walter J Meyer School
Yes 3/1/2017 Yes 2 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Tucson Unified District
Catalina High Magnet School
Yes 3/21/2017 Yes 2 2 Shut off water to drinking water fixture
Tucson Unified District
Maxwell Middle School
Yes 3/21/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Tucson Unified District
Myers/Ganoung Elem School
Yes 3/21/2017 Yes 1 1 Shut off water to drinking water fixture
Tucson Unified District
Palo Verde High Magnet School
Yes 3/21/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Tucson Unified District
Rincon / University H S
Yes 3/21/2017 Yes 1 1 Shut off water to drinking water fixture
Tucson Unified District
Sabino H S
Yes 3/21/2017 Yes 1 1 Shut water off to fixture
Tucson Unified District
Safford Elem School
Yes 3/22/2017 Yes None
Tucson Unified District
Sahuaro H S
Yes 3/21/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Vernon Elem District
Vernon Elem School
Yes 3/8/2017 Yes 1 Shut off water to pump house building
Washington Elem District
Desert View Elem School
Yes 4/13/2017 Yes 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Washington Elem District
John Jacobs Elem School
Yes 4/19/2017 Yes
Washington Elem District
Mountain Sky Middle School
Yes 4/27/2017 Yes 1 Post sign at non-drinking water source
Washington Elem District
Sunset School
Yes 3/30/2017 Yes 1 1 All high results at non drinking water fixtures/post signs at fixtures
Wickenburg Unified District
MacLennan School
Yes 4/1/2017 Yes 1 1 Shut off water to drinking water fixture
Wickenburg Unified District
Vulture Peak School
Yes 4/1/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Willcox Unified District
Willcox H S
Yes 3/22/2017 Yes 2 2 Shut off water to drinking water fixture above 50ppb, flushing for drinking water fixture below 50ppb
Williams Unified District
Williams Elem-Middle School
Yes 3/3/2017 Yes 1 Flushing recommended at non-drinking water
Wilson Elem District
Wilson Elem School
Yes 3/17/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at non-drinking water
Yuma Elem District
C W McGraw Elem School
Yes 2/23/2017 Yes 1 Flushing recommended at non-drinking water
Yuma Elem District
Gwyneth Ham Elem School
Yes 2/17/2017 Yes 2 Shut off water to Middle Wing building
Yuma Union H S District
Kofa H S
Yes 3/20/2017 and 3/21/2017 Yes 3 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Yuma Union H S District
Vista South Alternative School
Yes 3/6/2017 Yes 1 Post sign at non-drinking water fixture
Yuma Union H S District
Yuma H S
3/23/2017 Yes 2 1 Flush drinking water source and put sign on non drinking water source recommended

Prop 123 Contributors

Contributors to the Yes on Prop 123 campaign

Contributor Amount
AEA Education Improvement Fund $15,000
Allen, Jeffrey $2,500
AMA Better Government Fund $10,000
Apollo Education Group, Inc. $25,000
Arizona Charter Schools Association $10,000
ASU Foundation $75,000
Baker, Paul L. $10,000
Ballantyne III, Reginald $5,000
Barrett, Barbara $2,500
Barrett, Craig $2,500
Benson, Lee $30,000
Berwick Insurance Group $5,000
Biltis, Jack $10,000
Blandford Homes $100,000
Bouma, John J. $1,000
Bryan, John $25,000
Budinger, Donald $5,000
Busch, Frank $2,500
Carefree Communities $1,000
Carr, Liane $1,250
Carr, True $1,250
Chanen Construction $2,500
Citizens Protecting Taxpayers $2,800
Classical Education Systems LLC $1,000
Click Jr, Jim $1,437
Clipper Marketplace $9,511
Colangelo, Jerry $5,000
Cole, Donald $5,000
Coleman, Bert $1,000
Collins, Richard $1,000
Coor, Lattie F $1,000
Cox Communications $77,701
Critchfield, Paul $2,500
Dawson, Barbara $1,000
Delta Diversified Enterprises $2,000
Diamond Ventures $1,000
DMB Associates, Inc $50,000
Donelson, Larry $1,000
Downey, Patrick $1,000
DP Opportunity Investors LLC $1,000
DPR Southwest $10,000
Eaton David $2,000
Edwards, Colleen $1,000
El Dorado Holdings, Inc. $5,000
Evans, Ardie $5,380
Feeney, Matthew $1,000
Florkiewicz, Warren F. $1,000
Francis, Philip L $10,000
Friends of Doug Ducey $1,116
Fulton, Ira $100,000
Gaines, Cheryl $2,500
Gaines, Ira $2,500
Gallagher & Kennedy $5,000
Garcia, Ernie II $10,000
Gila River Indian Community $25,000
Gilman, Thomas $2,500
Goldwater, Bob $1,000
Goodman, Stuart $1,000
GOODMANS Inc $3,983
Grand Canyon University $50,000
Greater Phoenix Leadership, INC. $305,000
GreenbergTraurig $10,000
Halle, Bruce $1,000,000
Hayden, Jerry $5,000
Hayden, Marilyn J $5,000
Health System Alliance of Arizona $100,000
Heggs, Alvin $1,000
Helios Education Foundation $100,000
Hobbs, Bob $5,000
Hoecker, Thomas $1,000
Home Builders Association of Central Arizona $20,000
Honeywell International Political Action Committee Arizona-(HIPAC AZ) $15,000
J.D. Pruitt & Associates LLC $2,500
J.W. Teets Enterprises $1,000
Johnson, Robert $1,000
Jozoff, Ellen Jane $10,000
Kasle, John $1,000
Kasser, I Michael $5,000
Keating, Thomas W $1,000
Kitchell $15,000
Knight Transportation $5,000
Knight, Dennis $10,000
Lane, David $1,500
Larcher, David $10,000
Lavidge, William $5,000
Lehmann, Richard $5,000
Lewis Roca Rothgerber $7,500
Lewis, Alison $2,500
Lewis, Jan $12,500
Louis, Timothy $1,000
Magellan Health Services $10,000
Magnussen, Clint $1,000
Maracay Homes $5,000
Marrie, Michael $1,000
Mayo , Simer $2,500
Mayo Clinic in Arizona $10,000
McConnell, Stephen $1,000
McCord, Sharon $2,500
McCullough, Richard $1,000
McKeever, Jeffrey $2,500
Mehl, David $1,000
Meritage Homes $25,000
Metzler, William R. $25,000
Mireles, Omar $1,000
Molera Alvarez Group, LLC $1,000
Motorola Solutions, Inc. Political Action Committee $2,500
National Association of Industrial and Office Properties $20,000
Northern Arizona University Foundation $20,000
O’Rielly Chevrolet $1,000
Parsons, Renee $500,000
Parsons, Robert $500,000
Pierce, Mitch D. $5,000
Pima Medical Institute $50,000
Polsinelli $5,000
Post, William $25,000
Purves, Stephen $1,000
Rainy Partners LLC $5,000
Robson Communities Inc $27,000
Robson, Edward $25,000
Ryan Companies $5,000
Salt River Pima Maricopa Indian Community $25,000
Salt River Project $75,000
Schubert, Bill $1,000
Smith, Barry $5,000
Snell & Wilmer, LLP $10,000
Southern Arizona Leadership Council $25,000
Southwest Gas $5,000
Stead, Jerre $10,000
Strittmatter, John $1,000
Sunbelt Holdings $5,000
Swanson, James $1,000
Swift Transportation $10,000
Tashman, Haldun $2,500
Tashman, Nihal $2,500
The Friends of the ASBA, Inc. $15,000
The Plaza Companies $15,000
The Sundt Companies Inc. $15,000
The University of Arizona Foundation $75,000
Theisen, Chuck $5,000
UniSource Energy Corporation $10,000
Van Tuyl, Larry $50,000
Vantage West Credit Union $2,500
Von Galen, Ferdinand $2,500
Watts, Cynthia $22,250
Watts, Mike $22,250
Weatherup, Constance $10,000
Weil, Louis A III $1,000
Western Alliance Bank $30,000
Whiteman, John O $5,000
Yoom, Jeremiah $200
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Pima County Salaries Over $100K

Pima County Salaries Over $100K

Abarca Gloria Admin Specialist Senior Elections $48,846.30
Abbey Deborah Attorney Unclas Court Appointed Counsel $60,503.87
Abington Jan Patient Care Svs Level V Health $91,244.82
Abrams Lisa Court Commissioner Superior Court $130,499.82
Abrams Teri Probation Officer Superior Court $54,153.01
Abrigo Sean Information Tech Director Clerk Of The Superior Court $120,016.00
Abril Juliana Probation Officer Juvenile Court $45,127.68
Abrugena Adelio Corrections Lieutenant Sheriff $67,371.20
Accurso Maureen Detention Youth Srvs Super Juvenile Court $53,374.88
Acoba Michael Program Manager Unclas Health $55,148.70
Acosta Maria Attorney Unclas County Attorney $77,376.00
Acosta Everett Graphic Design Specialist Communications Office $53,043.54
Acosta Anna Maria Financial Operations Supv Clerk Of The Superior Court $50,017.97
Adam Karen Superior Court Judge Superior Court $144,999.72
Adamovich David WW Instr Process Cntrl Supvr Reg Wastwater Reclamation $48,116.64
Adams Steven IT Svs Support Analyst Information Technology $55,611.30
Adamski Konrad Program Coordinator Reg Wastwater Reclamation $45,966.96
Adkins Noah Corrections Lieutenant Sheriff $67,371.20
Adun Beauty Program Coordinator Health $46,416.03
Aguilera Elva Planner Senior Development Services $64,095.62
Aguirre Roderick Sergeant Sheriff $71,688.45
Aguirre Glenda Epidemiologist Health $52,096.30
Aguirre-Clinch Paulina Librarian I County Free Library $46,416.03
Ahern Gerald Deputy Sheriff Sheriff $62,677.47
Ain Michelle Property Appraisal Supervisor Assessor $52,606.74
Aitchison John Deputy Sheriff Sheriff $62,677.47
Aja Jillian Attorney Unclas Court Appointed Counsel $78,331.34
Ajaja Ebenezer Probation Officer Juvenile Court $49,288.10
Albert Sandra Program Manager Reg Wastwater Reclamation $54,584.40
Albert Nina IT Svs Suppt Specialist Information Technology $54,050.67
Alcantara Alejandro Deputy Sheriff Sheriff $47,030.05
Alcorta Marissa Librarian II County Free Library $52,096.30
Alderete Oscar WW HD Maintenance Mechanic Reg Wastwater Reclamation $49,670.40
Alderete Socorro Legal Secretary County Attorney $45,099.60
Aldrich James Corrections Officer Sheriff $45,796.40
Aleff Michael Corrections Officer Sheriff $51,596.48
Alegria Johanna Sheriff’s 911 Dispatch Supvr Sheriff $54,215.41
Alegria Elizabeth Probation Officer Juvenile Court $47,041.28
Alexander Moira Program Coordinator Unclas Health $46,800.00
Alexander-Miller Ginger Public Health Nurse Health $64,452.75
Allen Mary Program Manager Unclas Reg Wastwater Reclamation $87,609.60
Allen Caroline Attorney Unclas County Attorney $59,761.10
Allen Phillip IT Applications Developer Sheriff $54,584.40
Allerton James Deputy Sheriff Sheriff $49,324.08
Almquist Amy Special Staff Asst Unclas County Attorney $62,533.54
Alshami Laith Site Review Project Manager Development Services $68,744.00
Alshawwa Saed IT Tech Support Analyst Assessor $54,579.20
Alshuk-Agriesto Deborah Public Health Nurse Health $65,502.74
Alster Ellen Landscape Architect Senior Transportation $49,059.30
Altamirano Andrea Special Staff Asst Unclas Office Of Medical Services $58,392.26
Altamirano Victoria Comm Hth Dietetic Svs Coord Health $48,666.80
Altman Jonathan Admin Services Mgr County Free Library $77,144.29
Alvarez Joseph IT Apps Developer Senior County Attorney $66,497.60
Alvarez Anizza Dependency Supervisor Juvenile Court $53,374.88
Alvarez Gary Lead Probation Officer Juvenile Court $47,758.26
Alvarez Gabriel Probation Officer Juvenile Court $45,127.68
Alviar Ramiro Supervisor Court Interpreting Juvenile Court $51,625.60
Amash David Civil Engineering Manager Environmental Quality $80,975.02
Amateau Chad Civil Engineer Reg Wastwater Reclamation $73,926.53
Amato Laurie Financial Ops Spec CF Finance And Risk Management $48,587.34
Amerson Robert Lead Probation Officer Superior Court $53,374.88
Amerson Rosa Probation Officer Superior Court $46,533.55
Ames Brett Probation Officer Juvenile Court $49,456.78
Aminova Tatyana Grant Account and Compl Spec Finance And Risk Management $47,028.80
Anaya Frank Technical Medical Spec Health $45,511.65
Anders Scott Deputy Sheriff Sheriff $62,677.47
Andersen Peter Public Works Mgr Transportation $80,963.38
Anderson Bruce Forensic Anthropologist UC Forensic Science Center $111,363.20
Anderson Gary Lieutenant Sheriff $105,096.78
Anderson Beth Attorney County Attorney $98,280.00
Anderson Diana IT Applications Analyst Information Technology $78,040.14
Anderson Donn Program Coordinator Unclas Natural Resources Park Rec $76,030.86
Anderson Christy Sergeant Sheriff $71,688.45
Anderson Howard Deputy Sheriff Sheriff $62,677.47
Anderson Kelly Deputy Sheriff Sheriff $62,677.47



Anderson Christopher Plans Examiner Senior Development Services $60,848.74
Anderson John Attorney Unclas County Attorney $59,761.10
Anderson Franklin IT Tech Support Analyst Information Technology $57,445.86
Anderson Donald Sheriff’s 911 Dispatch Supvr Sheriff $57,216.22
Anderson Loni Environmental Health Supv Health $52,083.20
Andrade Roy PW Supervisor Transportation $52,606.74
Andrews David Sergeant Sheriff $71,676.80
Angle David Trades Maint Specialist Senior Facilities Management $46,064.10
Anthon Allan WW Ttrmnt Plnt Maint Asst Mgr Reg Wastwater Reclamation $66,535.46
Anyaeji Charles Corrections Officer Sheriff $48,025.54
Anyon Roger Program Manager Sustainability And Conserv $72,000.66
Anzures Cristina Probation Officer Superior Court $49,456.37
Appleby Dennis Criminal Investigator AZPC CAT County Attorney $56,112.99
Aragon Gustavo Superior Court Judge Superior Court $144,999.72
Araiza Luis Corrections Specialist Sheriff $52,830.13
Araneta Michelle Attorney County Attorney $77,942.18
Arce Nancy Attorney Unclas Public Defender $59,758.40
Archer Julia ITD Tech Infrs Cntr Mgr Unclas Information Technology $88,000.00
Arechederra Julieann GIS Cartographer Assessor $46,554.98
Areinoff Michael Attorney Unclas Public Defender $70,636.80
Armendariz Frank GIS Analyst Reg Flood Control District $54,078.54
Armenta Mandy Fin Acct Supvr CF Treasr Finance And Risk Management $65,845.73
Armenta Ricardo Finance Acct Prin CF Treasr Finance And Risk Management $59,940.61
Armenta Steven Probation Unit Supervisor Superior Court $58,388.30
Armenta Tito PW Crew Supervisor Transportation $48,116.64
Armstrong Virginia Real Property Acqu Agt Senior Facilities Management $50,478.69
Arnold Joshua Corrections Captain Sheriff $85,059.73
Arnold John EDP Tech Suppt Specialist Sheriff $55,168.67
Arriaga Gabriela Public Health Nurse Health $60,124.48
Arriola Diego IT Tech Support Analyst Information Technology $65,041.60
Arteaga Martin Probation Officer Superior Court $46,167.68
Arvizu Marian Community RecCenter Coord Kino Sports Complex $52,973.44
Arvizu Jose Paralegal County Attorney $49,850.11
Arzoumanian Linda Superintendent of Schools School Superintendent $76,599.95
Aspacher Virginia Attorney County Attorney $62,150.19
Asper Timothy Admin Tech Lvl 2 Crts Justice Court Tucson $59,011.68
Assini John Court Commissioner Superior Court $109,048.18
Atha Henry Deputy County Administrator Community And Econ Dev Admin $129,814.88
Athena Joy Administrative Attorney Unclas Legal Defender $113,380.80
Atondo Nora Environmental Specialist Environmental Quality $48,672.00
Atwell Kenneth Deputy Sheriff Sheriff $56,942.08
Auvil Julie Human Resources Specialist Superior Court $47,246.58
Avis Jack GIS Analyst Senior Information Technology $59,940.61
Ayers Jason Deputy Sheriff Sheriff $62,677.47
Bacal Susan Justice of the Peace Prec 8 Justice Court Tucson $101,499.84
Bacal Eva Attorney Public Defender $67,538.43
Badine Jessica Deputy Sheriff Sheriff $62,677.47
Badyl Kenneth Criminal Investigator AZPC CAT County Attorney $51,014.29
Baeza Nancy Library Associate County Free Library $48,562.80
Baeza Kimberly Environmental Analyst Environmental Quality $46,155.20
Godoy Teresa Judge Pro Tempore Superior Court $144,999.92
McGinley Casey Judge Pro Tempore Superior Court $144,999.92
Dommer Keith Finance Risk Mgmt Director Finance And Risk Management $145,017.60
Maxey Kevin Physician Dentist Sub Unclas Health $146,480.46
Grant Philip Public Fiduciary Public Fiduciary $149,388.51
Jenkins Jackson Reg WW Reclamation Director Reg Wastwater Reclamation $152,043.63
Rodriguez Jesus Chief Information Officer Information Technology $156,040.14
Nanos Christopher Chief Deputy Sheriff Sheriff $164,848.11
Chen Jennifer Forensic Pathologist UC Forensic Science Center $165,871.68
McIsaac Shauna Physician Dentist Unclas Health $167,901.76
Singh Veena Forensic Pathologist UC Forensic Science Center $168,644.11
Lesher Janet Deputy County Administrator Health $171,022.80
Moffatt John Admin Suppt Svs Mgr Unclas County Administrator $181,216.78
Lefferts Lori Public Defense Srvs Director Public Defender $184,496.00
Burke Thomas Deputy County Administrator County Administrator $185,203.20
Bernal John Deputy County Administrator Public Works Administration $185,218.18
Winston David Forensic Pathologist UC Forensic Science Center $187,896.80
Porterfield Cynthia Forensic Pathologist UC Forensic Science Center $195,052.42
Garcia Francisco Pub Health Dir Chief Med Off Health $198,838.02
Peters Eric Forensic Pathologist UC Forensic Science Center $215,925.01
Hess Gregory Chief Medical Examiner Forensic Science Center $230,470.45
Huckelberry Charles County Administrator County Administrator $320,865.38
Bryson Kyle Superior Court Judge Superior Court $144,999.72
Butler Michael Superior Court Judge Superior Court $144,999.72
Chon-Lopez Javier Superior Court Judge Superior Court $144,999.72
Cornelio Carmine Superior Court Judge Superior Court $144,999.72
Eikleberry Jane Superior Court Judge Superior Court $144,999.72
Fields Richard Superior Court Judge Superior Court $144,999.72
Gordon Richard Superior Court Judge Superior Court $144,999.72
Griffin Brenden Superior Court Judge Superior Court $144,999.72
Harrington Charles Superior Court Judge Superior Court $144,999.72
Lee Kenneth Superior Court Judge Superior Court $144,999.72
Liwski Danelle Superior Court Judge Superior Court $144,999.72
Marner James Superior Court Judge Superior Court $144,999.72
Metcalf Donald Superior Court Judge Superior Court $144,999.72
Miller Leslie Superior Court Judge Superior Court $144,999.72
Nichols Richard Superior Court Judge Superior Court $144,999.72
Quigley Kathleen Superior Court Judge Superior Court $144,999.72
Rash Scott Superior Court Judge Superior Court $144,999.72
Simmons Sarah Superior Court Judge Superior Court $144,999.72
Stanford Kenneth Superior Court Judge Superior Court $144,999.72
Staring Christopher Superior Court Judge Superior Court $144,999.72
Tang Paul Superior Court Judge Superior Court $144,999.72
Villarreal Stephen Superior Court Judge Superior Court $144,999.72
Wagener Joan Superior Court Judge Superior Court $144,999.72
Woods Catherine Superior Court Judge Superior Court $144,999.72
Fell Howard Judge Pro Tempore Superior Court $144,999.92
San Angelo Laurie Court Commissioner Superior Court $130,499.82
Sanders Thomas Court Commissioner Superior Court $130,499.82
Yehling Wayne Court Commissioner Juvenile Court $130,499.82
Widugiris George Procurement Director Procurement $130,955.34
Rosales Gilbert Court Commissioner Juvenile Court $131,872.00
Garcia Isabel Legal Defender Legal Defender $132,719.18
Moulton Ellen Finance Risk Mgmt Dep Dir Finance And Risk Management $133,097.33
Debonis Carmine Development Services Director Development Services $137,956.42
Shields Suzanne Flood Cntrl District Director Reg Flood Control District $139,155.74
Cervantes Melinda Library Director County Free Library $140,116.91
Batty K Superior Court Administrator Superior Court $140,329.28
Slusser Nanette Asst Cnty Administrator Policy Public Works Administration $142,286.77
Gwaltney Byron Bureau Chief Sheriff $142,894.34
Radtke Christopher Bureau Chief Sheriff $142,894.34
Wilson Charles Bureau Chief Sheriff $142,894.34
Woolridge Karl Bureau Chief Sheriff $142,896.00
Cawein Christopher Natural Res Prks Rec Director Natural Resources Park Rec $143,216.53
Cramer Amelia Administrative Attorney Unclas County Attorney $143,696.59
Cornelio Priscilla Transportation Director Transportation $144,740.75
Adam Karen Superior Court Judge Superior Court $144,999.72
Aragon Gustavo Superior Court Judge Superior Court $144,999.72
Bergin Jeffrey Superior Court Judge Superior Court $144,999.72
Bernini Deborah Superior Court Judge Superior Court $144,999.72
Brearcliffe Sean Superior Court Judge Superior Court $144,999.72
Browning Christopher Superior Court Judge Superior Court $144,999.72
Decker Charles ITD Deputy Director Information Technology $126,039.89
Zimmerman William Trans and Fld Cnt Dist Dep Dir Reg Flood Control District $126,247.89
Johnston Laura Information Tech Director Superior Court $126,422.82
Nelson Ursula Environmental Quality Director Environmental Quality $127,619.02
Sonenberg Steven Administrative Attorney Unclas Public Defender $128,001.74
Eckstrom Arthur Community Services Director Community Svcs Emplmt Training $128,480.56
Bulzomi Allyn Human Resources Director Human Resources $129,814.67
Atha Henry Deputy County Administrator Community And Econ Dev Admin $129,814.88
Johnson Kellie Administrative Attorney Unclas County Attorney $129,982.74
Weaver Thomas Administrative Attorney Unclas County Attorney $129,982.74
Wheeler Ellen Asst Cnty Administrator Policy County Administrator $130,069.89
Newton Rona Information Tech Director Juvenile Court $130,444.70
Abrams Lisa Court Commissioner Superior Court $130,499.82
Bibbens Lisa Court Commissioner Superior Court $130,499.82
Butler Jane Court Commissioner Juvenile Court $130,499.82
Christoffel Dean Court Commissioner Superior Court $130,499.82
Connors Julia Court Commissioner Juvenile Court $130,499.82
Ferlan Geoffrey Court Commissioner Juvenile Court $130,499.82
Green Patricia Court Commissioner Superior Court $130,499.82
Hochuli Peter Court Commissioner Superior Court $130,499.82
Hubbard-Langford Jennifer Court Commissioner Juvenile Court $130,499.82
Jones Lori Court Commissioner Superior Court $130,499.82
Kettlewell Susan Court Commissioner Juvenile Court $130,499.82
Pennington Alyce Court Commissioner Superior Court $130,499.82
Pratte Deborah Court Commissioner Superior Court $130,499.82
Shepp Eric Trans and Fld Cnt Dist Dep Dir Reg Flood Control District $115,611.18
Clements Billy Lieutenant Sheriff $115,766.56
Voigt Jerelee Library Services Mgr County Free Library $116,172.58
Sanders David Chief Probation Officer Superior Court $116,596.48
Lauritzen Paul Attorney County Attorney $116,763.71
Nelson Brad Elections Director Elections $117,174.30
Casella Anthony ITD Deputy Director Information Technology $118,339.94
Abrigo Sean Information Tech Director Clerk Of The Superior Court $120,016.00
Chavez Kathleen Admin Suppt Svs Mgr Unclas Reg Wastwater Reclamation $120,293.47
Khawam Yves Chief Building Official Development Services $120,529.97
Smutzer David Legal Administrator County Attorney $121,052.46
Straub Christopher Attorney County Attorney $121,172.27
Janes Harold Captain Sheriff $121,492.80
Lopez Jesus Captain Sheriff $121,492.80
Theel David Captain Sheriff $121,492.80
Berry James Captain Sheriff $121,501.54
Johnson Deanna Captain Sheriff $121,501.54
Sacco Michael Captain Sheriff $121,501.54
Olivares Ana Trans and Fld Cnt Dist Dep Dir Transportation $121,691.65
Moulton Thomas Exec Asst to Cnty Admin UC Economic Dev And Tourism $122,412.16
Konigsberg Neil Real Property Svs Mgr Unclas Public Works Administration $122,603.52
Lawall Barbara County Attorney County Attorney $123,677.84
Kooi Douglas Justice Courts Administrator Justice Court Tucson $124,281.46
Campagne Michelle Finance Risk Mgmt Dep Dir Finance And Risk Management $124,755.28
Kirk Michael Facilities Management Director Facilities Management $125,000.00


Heaney George Program Manager Unclas Sheriff $110,312.38
Palmer Jeffrey Lieutenant Sheriff $110,312.38
Peru David Lieutenant Sheriff $110,312.38
Samaniego Frank Fleet Services Dept Director Fleet Services $110,323.62
Anderson Bruce Forensic Anthropologist UC Forensic Science Center $111,363.20
Corella Patrick Library Deputy Director County Free Library $112,335.18
Mayro Linda Conservation Sust Director Sustainability And Conserv $112,466.43
Wieduwilt Eric Reg WW Recl Dept Dep Dir Reg Wastwater Reclamation $112,920.50
Hirsh Robert Off of Crt Apptd Cnsl Director Court Appointed Counsel $113,277.84
Holmes Robb Attorney Legal Defender $113,343.57
Athena Joy Administrative Attorney Unclas Legal Defender $113,380.80
Schow John JV CT Deputy Court Admin Juvenile Court $113,590.88
Homer Joanne Program Manager Unclas Public Works Administration $113,812.40
Mattison Tina Deputy Administrator JV Crt Juvenile Court $113,984.00
O’Brien John Attorney Public Defender $114,141.46
Kilargis Thomas Public Works Division Mgr Transportation $114,252.32
Leto Frank Attorney Public Defender $114,257.73
Roads Christopher Chief Deputy Recorder Recorder $114,564.74
Pratt Leonard Lieutenant Sheriff $114,630.67
Sacco Lisa Lieutenant Sheriff $114,630.67
Overholt Ronald Deputy Court Adminstrator Superior Court $114,630.88
Croxen Edith Attorney Unclas Court Appointed Counsel $115,484.93
Bartos Christopher Community Services Director Kino Sports Complex $115,494.91
Kish Margaret Community Services Director Com Dev Neighborhood Conserv $115,494.91
Nassen Regina Attorney Unclas County Attorney $115,573.33
Masters Cathryn Lieutenant Sheriff $105,096.78
Stuckey John Lieutenant Sheriff $105,096.78
Smith Leo Public Works Division Mgr Reg Flood Control District $105,304.99
Dinauer Andrew Division Mgr RFCD Unclas Reg Flood Control District $105,420.43
Helfrich Thomas Public Works Division Mgr Reg Flood Control District $105,420.43
Ellis Richard Public Works Division Mgr Transportation $105,432.50
Voorhees John PCWIN Executive Director Emergency Mgmt Homeland Sec $105,589.74
Davidson Patti Chief Deputy Treasurer Treasurer $106,018.85
Nordensson Jeffrey Program Coordinator Unclas Communications Office $106,120.14
Eaker David Environmental Quality Dep Dir Environmental Quality $106,298.19
Ponzo Steven Program Coordinator Unclas Treasurer $106,350.19
Young Robert Public Works Division Mgr Transportation $107,060.30
Kastigar Richard J Program Manager Unclas Sheriff $108,139.82
Brandes Lewis Attorney Unclas County Attorney $108,566.43
Warner John Reg WW Recl Dept Dep Dir Reg Wastwater Reclamation $108,665.44
Assini John Court Commissioner Superior Court $109,048.18
Hamblin Mark Legal Administrator Public Defender $109,158.40
Brigode Robin Clerk of the Board Clerk Of The Board $109,209.15
Krieski Mark Civil Engineering Manager Reg Flood Control District $109,436.08
Robison Lawrence Public Works Division Mgr Reg Flood Control District $109,668.00
Eib Lauren Risk Manager Finance And Risk Management $109,948.80
Johnson Robert Admin Suppt Svs Mgr Unclas Finance And Risk Management $109,948.80
Padilla Robert Parks and Rec Deputy Dir Natural Resources Park Rec $109,948.80
Grimaldi Richard Environmental Quality Dep Dir Environmental Quality $110,191.54
Blackwell Carla Dev Svs Ops Administrator Development Services $110,255.81
Fernandez David ITD Deputy Director Information Technology $104,000.00
Hunt Daniel ITD Info Security Officer Uncl Information Technology $104,000.00
Loughridge Michael ITD Appli Devel Admin Unclas Information Technology $104,000.00
Wieters David ITD Proj Mgmt Officer Unclass Information Technology $104,000.00
Chalmers Seth Public Works Division Mgr Transportation $104,059.70
Cameron Joseph Lieutenant Sheriff $104,062.40
Davis India Corrections Assistant Director Sheriff $104,062.40
Dinniman Mark Lieutenant Sheriff $104,062.40
Carpenter Stephen Lieutenant Sheriff $104,066.56
Copfer Jeffrey Lieutenant Sheriff $104,066.56
Decormis Joseph Lieutenant Sheriff $104,066.56
Feldt Nicole Lieutenant Sheriff $104,066.56
Grider Michael Lieutenant Sheriff $104,066.56
Hanna Douglas Lieutenant Sheriff $104,066.56
Murphy James Lieutenant Sheriff $104,066.56
Ponzio Russell Lieutenant Sheriff $104,066.56
Westberg Bruce Lieutenant Sheriff $104,066.56
Cunningham James Public Works Division Mgr Transportation $104,145.60
Gagnepain Bradley Program Coord Sheriff Unclas Sheriff $104,998.40
Lloyd Jack ITD Rel Mgr Senior Unclas Information Technology $105,035.01
Caccavale Salvatore CIP Advocacy Mgr Unclas Transportation $105,040.42
Frey Vincent Attorney Unclas Legal Defender $105,048.53
Sherlock John Reg WW Recl Dept Dep Dir Reg Wastwater Reclamation $105,087.63
Rosen Tobin Attorney Unclas County Attorney $105,089.92
Anderson Gary Lieutenant Sheriff $105,096.78
Litton Meridith Admin Suppt Svs Mgr Unclas Finance And Risk Management $99,887.22
McGee Patrick Admin Suppt Svs Mgr Unclas Finance And Risk Management $99,887.22
Jee Ronald Program Manager Unclas Sheriff $99,887.42
Guthrie Jeffrey Program Manager Unclas Emergency Mgmt Homeland Sec $100,000.00
Roll Chris Attorney Unclas County Attorney $100,000.00
Bruner Sean Attorney Unclas Public Defender $100,491.87
Dupnik Clarence Sheriff Sheriff $100,823.84
Josker Lisa Fac Mgmt Deputy Director Facilities Management $101,027.89
Bacal Susan Justice of the Peace Prec 8 Justice Court Tucson $101,499.84
Bee Keith Justice of the Peace Prec 5 Justice Court Tucson $101,499.84
Castillo Jose Luis Justice of the Peace Prec 2 Justice Court Tucson $101,499.84
Dolny Carmen Justice of the Peace Prec 4 Justice Court Tucson $101,499.84
Felix Maria Justice of the Peace Prec 9 Justice Court Tucson $101,499.84
Peyton Jack Justice of the Peace Prec 10 Justice Court Tucson $101,499.84
Simon Paul Justice of the Peace Prec 6 Justice Court Tucson $101,499.84
Watters Adam Justice of the Peace Prec 1 Justice Court Tucson $101,499.84
Baker Sipe Barry Attorney Legal Defender $101,723.02
Hernandez Ricardo Fin Adminstrtr Schools Unclas School Superintendent $101,968.46
Guerrero Pablo Division Manager Finance And Risk Management $102,298.56
Colton Arlan Planning Official Development Services $102,415.25
Dominguez Gilbert Lieutenant Sheriff $103,022.40
Lowing Scott Lieutenant Sheriff $103,022.40
Spinney Edward Lieutenant Sheriff $103,022.40
Cummings David Public Works Division Mgr Transportation $103,640.16
Berg Lon Chief Deputy Assessor Assessor $103,987.94