AZ Senate 3

AZ Senate Audit – Maricopa General Election 2020 — Page 3

The following materials (links) were turned over to the media by the Arizona State Senate in response to a Public Records Request related to the audit of the 2020 Maricopa County General Election:

ARZN_REV00016305 ARZN_REV00016304 ARZN_REV00016303 ARZN_REV00016303
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AZ Senate 2

AZ Senate Audit – Maricopa General Election 2020 — Page 2

The following materials (links) were turned over to the media by the Arizona State Senate in response to a Public Records Request related to the audit of the 2020 Maricopa County General Election:

ARZN_REV00015877 ARZN_REV00015868 ARZN_REV00016739 ARZN_REV00016606
ARZN_REV00016738 ARZN_REV00016727 ARZN_REV00016723 ARZN_REV00016693
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ARZN_REV00016232 ARZN_REV00016238 ARZN_REV00016237 ARZN_REV00016235

These public records are made available as a service of the American Daily Independent News Network.

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Complaint filed by former Arizona Attorney General Tom Horne on behalf of Don Shooter

Donald M. Shooter, Plaintiff Vs. State Of Arizona; Kirk And Janae Adams, Husband And Wife; Javan “J.D.” And Holly Mesnard, Husband And Wife

1. Plaintiff Donald Shooter was a member of the Arizona House of Representatives, or at other times was a member of the Arizona Senate, and was for a time Chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee, Chairman of the House Appropriations Committee and Chairman of the Joint Legislative Budget Committee.

2. During all times relevant, Defendant Kirk Adams was Chief of Staff to the Governor of Arizona.

3. During all times relevant Defendant Javen Mesnard was Speaker of the Arizona House of Representatives.

4. The actions of Adams and Mesnard were for the benefit of their respective marital communities consisting of themselves and their respective wives.

5. Jurisdiction and venue are proper in Maricopa County.


A. Donald Shooter Begins His Investigation Into Rigged Bids and Wasteful Spending

6. In his position as Chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee, Mr. Shooter began to discover questionable practices related to State expenditures on technology.

7. Senator Shooter learned of a significant investment in Hewlett Packard for the Arizona Department of Administration data center, initiated and led by Aaron Sandeen, the former Arizona State CIO. Senator Shooter was told that this purchase was undertaken at the same time that Mr. Sandeen was purportedly serving as a member on a Hewlett Packard National Advisory Board.

8. Another example was relayed to Senator Shooter by Henry Darwin, the Governor’s Chief of Operations about his experience while serving in his prior role as the Arizona Director of the Department of Environmental Quality (“DEQ”).

9. Mr. Darwin told Senator Shooter, in the presence of another witness, that Mr. Sandeen, when serving as CIO for the State, required DEQ to select a vendor the agency did not want to use, at a cost of an additional two million dollars to DEQ, a vendor which Mr. Darwin alleged, then became a client shortly after Sandeen stopped working for the state.

10. These alleged incidents greatly troubled Senator Shooter.

11. Senator Shooter’s concerns were magnified when he learned of the state’s use of “Competition not Practicable” or “Sole Source” contracts for large technology purchases. These are contracts where the State does not engage in a competitive bidding process, but rather chooses a vendor because the product is so unique, so rare that if the state attempted a competitive bid process, only that “sole”/one vendor could respond. Often, because there is no competition, that vendor is able to dictate many of the contract terms including price and service level agreements.

12. One example of such a no-bid, sole source contract uncovered by Senator Shooter was for “general cloud services” or cloud data storage, which the state entered into with Amazon Web Services (“AWS”) in March 2017 (and remains in effect as of this filing).

13. Sole source, defined in A.R.S. §41-2536, allows the State to award a contract without competition only if the director of the Department of Administration determines in writing that there is only one source for the required product or service. That statute requires that sole source procurement “shall be avoided, except when no reasonable alternative sources exist.”

14. “General cloud services” are provided by numerous companies including those based in Arizona, employing Arizona workers and therefore a competitive bidding process was required; Amazon Web Services is not the sole provider of general cloud services.

15. In fact, AWS is perceived as on the high end of the cost spectrum and for the difficulty and prohibitive costs clients face when attempting to withdraw data stored with AWS.

16. Senator Shooter discovered evidence of additional no-bid contracts to buy technology products and services. Curiously, there was little or no effort to level the playing field.

17. Instead, Senator Shooter found a concerted effort at the Department of Administration to direct work to specific, high priced, out-of-state companies by avoiding competition at the expense of Arizona workers and employers, and to the detriment of Arizona taxpayers.

18. Senator Shooter’s proposed solution was simple: permit qualified vendors the opportunity to fairly compete.

B. Shooter Tries to Address Concerns Over Wasteful Government Spending

19. In 2016, Senator Shooter introduced SB1434, with the goal of encouraging state agencies to migrate to the cloud and modernize technology systems.

20. In preparing SB1434, Senator Shooter met with representatives from Amazon, Dell, and Google, all recognized leaders in the technology industry. The bill included an oversight provision which would have required a state agency, when investing in an IT project anticipated to cost more than $2.5 million, request at least two bids prior to entering into a contract. Agencies did not have to obtain two bids, just request them.

21. Throughout the 2016 legislative session, Senator Shooter worked with representatives of the Governor’s Office including the Governor’s Deputy Chief of Operations as well as the state’s Chief Information Officer (CIO) Morgan Reed to modify and refine the bill.

22. Through the course of these revisions, SB 1434 was amended to require the state Department of Administration (DOA) to report to JLBC how many bids were received, after a large technology purchase had been made. DOA was also to report the rationale for the selection of the bid that was chosen.

23. Despite assurances that he had addressed every issue of concern to the Governor’s staff and despite the benefit to Arizona taxpayers, SB1434 was promptly vetoed.

24. Senator Shooter introduced the bill again the next session and notwithstanding attempts to work with the State CIO Morgan Reed, he was informed by representatives of the Governor’s Office that it would again be vetoed.

25. Senator Shooter was frustrated that he could not find common ground with representatives of the Governor’s Office to create consistent transparency and competition.

26. It must be noted that Mr. Shooter does not believe, nor has he found any evidence that Governor Ducey was in anyway involved in or aware of Mr. Shooter’s concerns and the related conduct of Adams and Mesnard and others as detailed herein.

27. Senator Shooter continued his efforts despite harassment from defendants.

28. These incidents of harassment occurred consistently within days of directly communicating opposition to uncompetitive procurement practices to the Governor’s Chief of Staff Kirk Adams.

29. For example, in the midst of the legislative session and five days after warning the Governor’s Chief of Staff Kirk Adams and other high-level Governor staff members that he would not tolerate the state entering into and maintaining multi-million-dollar contracts without competition, Senator Shooter was surveilled and followed by a private investigator.

30. After realizing that a stranger was following his every move including to following him home, Senator Shooter sought intervention from the Arizona Department of Public Safety (DPS) out of concern for his safety and that of his family.

Arizona School Lead in Water Testing Information

ADEQ’s lead testing program has been fairly opaque. Even a search for information about contamination is not easy. Once interested parties successfully search ADEQ’s website for the correct page, the link to the results is barely visible. Below, find the scheduled testing of schools, whether testing was conducted and the results, to date, of that testing. [View the complete report here]

Schools Screening Scheduled | Screening Sample | Collection Date | Results To Date:

District|School Screening
Screening Sample

Collection Date
Result Above Screening Level Number of Samples
Above 15 PPB
Number of Drinking Water
Samples Above 15 PPB
ADEQ Recommended Corrective
Agua Fria Union H S District
Agua Fria H S
Yes 3/13/2017 Yes 1 1 Shut off water to drinking water fixture
Agua Fria Union H S District
Millennium H S
Yes 3/13/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Alhambra Elem District
Andalucia Middle School
Yes 4 4 Shut off water to drinking waterfixture above 50ppb, flushing for drinking water fixture below 50ppb
Alhambra Elem District
Barcelona Middle School
Yes 1 1 Shut off water to drinking water fixture
Alhambra Elem District
Catalina Ventura School
Yes 2/8/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Alhambra Elem District
Cordova Middle School
Yes 2/10/2017 Yes 3 3 Shut off water to drinking water fixture above 50ppb, flushing for drinking water fixture below 50ppb
Alhambra Elem District
Cordova Primary School
Yes 2/8/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Alhambra Elem District
Granada East School
Yes 1/24/2017 Yes 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Alhambra Elem District
Sevilla West
Yes 2/9/2017 Yes 1 Shut off water to building E
Alhambra Elem District
Westwood Primary School
Yes 2/10/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Alpine Elem District
Alpine Elem School
Yes 2/2/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Altar Valley Elem District
Robles Elem
Yes 4/24/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Altar Valley Elem District
Administration/Transportation Center
Yes 4/24/2017 Yes 1
Amphitheater Unified District
Amphitheater H S
Amphitheater Unified District
Canyon Del Oro H S
Amphitheater Unified District
Copper Creek Elem School
Amphitheater Unified District
Coronado K-8 School
Amphitheater Unified District
El Hogar De La Paz (formerly Graphics and Printing)
Yes 4/25/2017 Yes 1 Post sign at non-drinking water fixture
Amphitheater Unified District
Ironwood Ridge H S
Amphitheater Unified District
Lawrence W Cross Middle School
Amphitheater Unified District
Marion Donaldson Elem School
Yes 5/5/2017 Yes 1 1
Amphitheater Unified District
Painted Sky Elem
Amphitheater Unified District
Richard B Wilson Jr School
Amphitheater Unified District
Wetmore Center
Amphitheater Unified District
Winifred Harelson Elem School
Apache Junction Unified District
Apache Junction H S
Yes 2/8/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Avondale Elem District
Avondale Middle School
Yes 3/6/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Avondale Elem District
Support Service
Yes 3/6/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
District|School Screening
Screening Sample

Collection Date
Result Above Screening Level Number of Samples
Above 15 PPB
Number of Drinking Water
Samples Above 15 PPB
ADEQ Recommended Corrective
Bagdad Unified District
Bagdad Elem and H S
Yes 3/13/2017 Yes 1 1 Shut off water to drinking water fixture
Balsz Elem District
Griffith Elem School
Yes 4/25/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Bisbee Unified District
Bisbee H S
Y 5/3/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Bisbee Unified District
Bisbee Middle School
Bisbee Unified District
Greenway Primary School
Bisbee Unified District
Lowell Junior H S
Blue Ridge Unified District
Blue Ridge H S
Yes 2/7/2017 Yes 3 2 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Blue Ridge Unified District
Blue Ridge Intermediate School (formerly Middle School)
Yes 2/15/2017 Yes 2 1 Shut off water to old board room
Bowie Unified District
Bowie H S
Yes 3/27/2017 Yes 1 Non-drinking water fixture, post sign not to drink the water.
District|School Screening
Screening Sample

Collection Date
Result Above Screening Level Number of Samples
Above 15 PPB
Number of Drinking Water
Samples Above 15 PPB
ADEQ Recommended Corrective
Cartwright Elem District
Byron A Barry Elem School
Yes 3/8/2017 Yes 3 3 Shut off water to drinking water fixture above 50ppb, flushing for drinking water fixture below 50ppb
Cartwright Elem District
Cartwright Preschool & Gifted Center
Yes 3/21/2017 Yes 6 3 flushing recommended at drinking water fixtures above 15 PPB. Shut of drinking water fixtures above 50 PPB.
Cartwright Elem District
Estrella Middle School
Yes 3/16/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Cartwright Elem District
Flor del Sol
Yes 3/8/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Cartwright Elem District
Heatherbrae Elem School
Yes 3/20/2017 Yes 5 Flushing recommended at non-drinking water fixtures
Cartwright Elem District
John F Long School
Yes 3/8/2017 Yes 1 Flushing recommended at non-drinking water fixture
Cartwright Elem District
Palm Lane Elem School
Yes 3/7/2017 & 3/10/17 Yes 4 4 Shut off water to drinking water fixture
Cartwright Elem District
Peralta Elem School
Yes 3/7/2017 Yes 3 Flushing recommended at non-drinking water fixture
Cartwright Elem District
Starlight Park School
Yes 3/22/2017 Yes 5 5 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixtures above 15 PPB. Shut of drinking water fixtures above 50 PPB.
Cartwright Elem District
Tomahawk Elem School
Yes 3/23/2017 Yes 9 9 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixtures above 15 PPB. Shut of drinking water fixtures above 50 PPB.
Casa Grande Elem District
Casa Grande Middle School (formerly Junior H S)
Yes 2/9/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Casa Grande Elem District
Palo Verde School
Yes 2/8/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Casa Grande Elem District
Saguaro Elem School
Yes 2/7/2017 Yes 1 1 Drinking water shut off to building. Building scheduled for demolition in Summer 2017
Catalina Foothills Unified District
Orange Grove Middle School
Yes 4/4/2017 Yes 1 Put sign on non-drinking water source recommended
Cave Creek Unified District
Black Mountain Elem (formerly Sonoran Trails Middle School)
Yes 3/27/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Cave Creek Unified District
Cave Creek Learning Center (formerly Black Mountain Elem School)
Yes 3/27/2017
Cave Creek U S D
Desert Aroyo Middle
Yes 3/27/2017 Yes 2 2
Cave Creek U S D
District Office
Yes 3/27/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Cedar Unified District
Jeddito School
Chandler Unified District
Anna Marie Jacobson Elem School
Yes 4/3/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Chandler Unified District
Chandler H S
Yes 4/5/2017 Yes 2 All high results at non drinking water fixtures/post signs at fixtures
Chandler Unified District
Clifford J Goodman Elem School
Yes 4/3/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Chandler Unified District
John M Andersen Jr H S
Yes 4/3/2017 Yes 5 All high results at non drinking water fixtures/post signs at fixtures
Chandler Unified District
Knox Elem School
Yes 4/3/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Chandler Unified District
San Marcos (Denver) Elem School
Yes 4/4/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Chinle Unified District
Canyon DeChelly Elem (formerly Chinle Primary School)
Chinle Unified District
Chinle Elem School
Chinle Unified District
Chinle H S
Chinle Unified District
Chinle Junior H S
Chinle Unified District
Many Farms Elem School
Chinle Unified District
Mesa View Elem School
Chinle Unified District
Tsaile Elem School
Chinle Unified District
Vocational Agriculture
Clarkdale-Jerome Elem District
Clarkdale-Jerome Elem School
Yes 2/22/2017 Yes 2 2 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Colorado River Union H S District
River Valley H S
Coolidge Unified District
West Elem School
Yes 3/2/2017 Yes 1 1 Shut off water to drinking water fixture
Crane Elem District
Crane Middle School
Yes 2/16/2017 Yes 1 Flushing recommended at non-drinking water fixture
Creighton Elem District
Biltmore Preparatory Academy (formerly Squaw Peak Elem School)
Yes 2/22/2017 and 2/23/2017 Yes 1 1 Shut off water to drinking water fixture
Creighton Elem District
Creighton Elem School
Yes 2/16/2017 Yes 7 5 Shut off water to drinking water fixture above 50ppb, flushing for drinking water fixture below 50ppb
Creighton Elem District
Larry C Kennedy School
Yes 2/16/2017 & 2/21/17 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Creighton Elem District
Loma Linda Elem School
Yes 2/15/17 & 2/21/17 Yes 3 3 Shut off water to drinking water fixture above 50ppb, flushing for drinking water fixture below 50ppb
District|School Screening
Screening Sample

Collection Date
Result Above Screening Level Number of Samples
Above 15 PPB
Number of Drinking Water
Samples Above 15 PPB
ADEQ Recommended Corrective
Deer Valley Unified District
Desert Sky Middle School
Yes 4/19/2017 Yes 2 Post sign non drinking water sources
Deer Valley Unified District
Esperanza Elem School
Yes 3/24/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Deer Valley Unified District
Mountain Ridge H S
Yes 3/23/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Deer Valley Unified District
Park Meadows Elem School
Yes 3/31/2017 Yes 2 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Deer Valley Unified District
Village Meadows Elem School
Yes 3/30/2017 Yes 3 Post sign non drinking water sources
Douglas Unified District
Paul H Huber Middle School
Yes 2/16/2017 Yes 1 Non-drinking water fixture, post sign not to drink the water.
Duncan Unified District
Duncan H S
Yes 3/25/2017 Yes 1 1 Shut off water to drinking water fixture
Flagstaff Unified District
Charles W Sechrist Elem School
Flagstaff Unified District
Coconino H S
Flagstaff Unified District
Eva Marshall Elem School
Flagstaff Unified District
Flagstaff H S
Flagstaff Unified District
Flagstaff Middle School
Flagstaff Unified District
John Q Thomas Elem School
Flagstaff Unified District
Lura KinseyElem School
Flagstaff Unified District
Manuel DeMiguel Elem School
Flagstaff Unified District
Mount Elden Middle School
Flagstaff Unified District
Neil V Christensen School
Flagstaff Unified District
Puente de Hozho (formerly Thomas R Weitzel Elem School)
Flagstaff Unified District
Sinagua Middle School (formerly Sinagua H S)
Flagstaff Unified District
Thomas M Knoles Elem School
Flagstaff Unified District
W F Killip Elem School
Yes 1/7/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Flagstaff Unified District
Leupp Public School
Flowing Wells Unified District
Flowing Wells H S
Flowing Wells Unified District
Flowing Wells Junior H S
Flowing Wells Unified District
former Sentinel Peak H S (replaced FY11)
Flowing Wells Unified District
Walter Douglas Elem School
Fredonia-Moccasin Unified District
Fredonia Elem School
Fredonia-Moccasin Unified District
Fredonia H S
Yes 3/6/17 & 3/7/17 Yes 3 3 Shut off water to drinking water fixtures
Fredonia-Moccasin Unified District
Moccasin Elem School
District|School Screening
Screening Sample

Collection Date
Result Above Screening Level Number of Samples
Above 15 PPB
Number of Drinking Water
Samples Above 15 PPB
ADEQ Recommended Corrective
Gadsden Elem District
Cesar Chavez Elem
Yes 3/24/2017 None
Gadsden Elem District
Rio Colorado Elem School
Gadsden Elem District
San Luis Middle School
Gadsden Elem District
Southwest Junior High
Ganado Unified District
Ganado H S
Ganado Unified District
Ganado Intermediate School
Ganado Unified District
Ganado Middle School
Gila Bend Unified District
Gila Bend Elem
Yes 4/3/2017 Yes 1 1 Shut off water to drinking water fixtures
Gilbert Unified District
Canyon Valley School (formerly GPS Learning Center and ACE)
Yes 2/23/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Gilbert Unified District
Desert Ridge Jr. H S
Yes 3/31/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Gilbert Unified District
Gilbert Elem School
Yes 2/25/2017 Yes 5 5 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Gilbert Unified District
Highland H S
Yes 2/26/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Gilbert Unified District
Mesquite Junior H S
Yes 2/15/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Gilbert Unified District
District Office/Admin Center
Yes 2/18/2017 Yes 3 3 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Glendale Elem District
Challenger Middle School
Yes 3/9/2017 Yes 2 Post sign at non-drinking water source above 50ppb, flushing for non-drinking water fixture below 50ppb
Glendale Elem District
Glendale Landmark Middle School
Yes 3/10/2017 Yes 2 Post sign at non-drinking water fixture above 50ppb, flushing for non-drinking waterfixture below 50ppb
Glendale Union H S District
Apollo H S
Yes 3/21/2017 Yes 3 2 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Glendale Union H S District
Cortez H S
Yes 3/8/2017 Yes 1 1 Shut off water to drinking water fixture
Glendale Union H S District
Glendale H S
Yes 3/28/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Glendale Union H S District
Metro Academy (formerly Christown Academy)
Glendale Union H S District
Moon Valley H S
Yes 3/14/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Glendale Union H S District
Washington H S
Yes 3/10/2017 Yes 3 3 Shut off water to drinking water fixture above 50ppb, flushing for drinking water fixture below 50ppb
Graham County Special Services
Brighter Day Preschool
District|School Screening
Screening Sample

Collection Date
Result Above Screening Level Number of Samples
Above 15 PPB
Number of Drinking Water
Samples Above 15 PPB
ADEQ Recommended Corrective
Hayden-Winkelman Unified District
Hayden H S
Yes 3/29/2017 Yes 7 5 Shut off water to drinking water fixture above 50ppb, flushing for drinking water fixture below 50ppb
Hayden-Winkelman Unified District
Leonor Hambly Middle School
Yes 3/30/2017 Yes 2 2 Shut off water to drinking water fixture
Hayden-Winkelman Unified District
Winkelman Intermediate School
Hayden-Winkelman Unified District
Winkelman Primary School
Higley Unified District
Cooley Middle School
Yes 3/23/2017 Yes 1 1
Higley Unified District
Higley Traditional Academy (formerly Higley Elem School)
Holbrook Unified District
Elem School
Holbrook Unified District
Indian Wells Elem
Humboldt Unified District
Humboldt Elem School
Yes 2/27/1027 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
District|School Screening
Screening Sample

Collection Date
Result Above Screening Level Number of Samples
Above 15 PPB
Number of Drinking Water
Samples Above 15 PPB
ADEQ Recommended Corrective
Indian Oasis-Baboquivari Unified District
Baboquivari Alternative H S
Indian Oasis-Baboquivari Unified District
Baboquivari Middle School
Indian Oasis-Baboquivari Unified District
Indian Oasis Intermediate School
Indian Oasis-Baboquivari Unified District
Indian Oasis Primary School
Isaac Elem District
Alta E ButlerSchool
Yes 4/13/2017 Yes 1 Post sign at non-drinking water source
Isaac Elem District
Escuela Azteca
Isaac Elem District
J B Sutton Elem School
Yes 4/12/2017 Yes 3 3 Shut off water to drinking water fixture above 50ppb, flushing for drinking water fixture below 50ppb
Isaac Elem District
Joseph Zito Elem School
Yes 4/7/2017 Yes 2 2 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Isaac Elem District
P T Coe Elem School
Yes 4/6/2017 Yes 3 3 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixtures above 15 PPB. Shut of drinking water fixtures above 50 PPB.
District|School Screening
Screening Sample

Collection Date
Result Above Screening Level Number of Samples
Above 15 PPB
Number of Drinking Water
Samples Above 15 PPB
ADEQ Recommended Corrective
Joseph City Unified District
Joseph City Jr/Sr H S
Yes 4/3/2017 Yes 1 All high results at non drinking water fixtures/post signs at fixtures
Kayenta Unified District
Challenge Center
Kayenta Unified District
Kayenta C.O.P.E. Center
Kayenta Unified District
Kayenta Elem School (formerly Intermediate School)
Kayenta Unified District
Kayenta Middle School
Kayenta Unified District
Kayenta Primary School
Kayenta Unified District
Monument Valley H S
Kyrene Elem District
C I Waggoner School
Kyrene Elem District
Kyrene Akimel A-al Middle School
Yes 2/12/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Kyrene Elem District
Kyrene Altadena Middle School
Yes 2/12/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Kyrene Elem District
Kyrene de los Ninos School
District|School Screening
Screening Sample

Collection Date
Result Above Screening Level Number of Samples
Above 15 PPB
Number of Drinking Water
Samples Above 15 PPB
ADEQ Recommended Corrective
Lake Havasu Unified District
Lake Havasu H S
Lake Havasu Unified District
Smoketree Elem School
Yes 4/29/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Lake Havasu Unified District
Thunderbolt Middle School
Yes 4/29/2017 Yes None
Litchfield Elem District
Litchfield Elem School
Yes 3/13/2017 Yes 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Littleton Elem District
Littleton Elem School
Yes 3/21/2017 Yes 1 Flushing recommended at non-drinking water fixture
Madison Elem District
Madison Meadows School
Yes 2/2/2017 Yes 1 Flushing recommended at non-drinking water fixture. Building scheduled for demolition Summer 2017.
Maine Consolidated District
Maine Consolidated School
Yes 3/29/2017 Yes 2 Post sign at non-drinking water fixture
Mammoth-San Manuel Unified District
San Manuel H S
Yes 1/5/2017 Yes 1 1 Shut off water to drinking water fixture
Marana Unified District
Butterfield Elem School
Yes 4/6/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Marana Unified District
Marana H S
Y 5/4/2017 Yes 16 14 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Marana Unified District
Mountain View H S
Yes 4/12/2017 Yes 2 2 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Marana Unified District
Tortolita Middle School (formerly Tortolita Junior H S)
Yes 4/7/2017 Yes 1 Sign on non-drinking water fixture recommended
Maricopa U S D
Maricopa H S
Yes 2/17/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Mayer Unified District
Mayer Elem School
Yes 4/1/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
McNary Elem District
McNary Elem School
Mesa Unified District
Adams Elem School
Yes 4/26/2017 Yes 5 5 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixtures
Mesa Unified District
Crismon Elem School
Yes 4/25/2017 Yes 5 5 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixtures above 15 PPB. Shut of drinking water fixtures above 50 PPB.
Mesa Unified District
Dobson H S
Yes 4/25/2017 Yes 2 2 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixtures
Mesa Unified District
East Valley Academy
Mesa Unified District
Eisenhower Elem School
Yes 4/18/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Mesa Unified District
Emerson Elem School
Yes 4/18/2017 and 4/19/2017 Yes 3 3 Shut off water to drinking water fixtures above 50ppb, flush drinking water fixtures below 50ppb
Mesa Unified District
Entz Elem School
Yes 4/26/2017 Yes 2 2 Shut off water to drinking water fixtures above 50ppb, flush drinking water fixtures below 50ppb
Mesa Unified District
Field Elem School
Yes 4/25/2017 and 4/26/10`7 Yes 4 4 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Mesa Unified District
Franklin at Alma Elem School
Yes 4/19/2017 Yes 3 3 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Mesa Unified District
Franklin South Elem
4/21/2017 and 4/24/2017 Yes 7 7 Shut off water to drinking water fixtures above 50ppb, flush drinking water fixtures below 50ppb
Mesa Unified District
Fremont Junior H S
Yes 4/20/2017 and 4/21/2017 Yes 2 2 Shut off water to drinking water fixtures above 50ppb, flush drinking water fixtures below 50ppb
Mesa Unified District
Fremont Transportation (formerly Franklin Northeast School)
Mesa Unified District
Hale Elem School
Yes 4/18/2017 Yes 1 1 Shut off drinking water fixture
Mesa Unified District
Hawthorne Elem School
Yes 4/25/2017 and 4/26/10`7 Yes 2 2 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Mesa Unified District
Hermosa Vista Elem School
Yes 4/26/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing Recommended at drinking water fixture
Mesa Unified District
Highland Elem School
Yes 1 1 Flushing Recommended at drinking water fixture
Mesa Unified District
Holmes Elem School
Yes 5 4 Shut off water to drinking water fixtures above 50ppb, flush drinking water fixtures below 50ppb
Mesa Unified District
Irving Elem School
Yes 2 2 Flushing Recommended at drinking water fixture
Mesa Unified District
Jefferson Elem School
Yes 3 3 Shut off water to drinking water fixtures above 50ppb, flush drinking water fixtures below 50ppb
Mesa Unified District
Johnson Elem School
Yes 1 1 Flushing Recommended at drinking water fixtures
Mesa Unified District
Jordan Center for Early Education (formerly Jordan Elem School)
Yes 4 4 Shut off drinking water to building, flush drinking water fixtures below 50ppb
Mesa Unified District
Keller Elem School
Yes 4/25-26/2017 Yes 2 2 Flushing Recommended at drinking water fixtures
Mesa Unified District
Kino Junior H S
Yes 4/20/2017 Yes 1 Post sign at non-drinking water fixture
Mesa Unified District
Las Sendas Elem School
Yes 4/25/2017 Yes 1 Post sign at non-drinking water fixture
Mesa Unified District
Lehi Elem School
Yes 4/18/2017 Yes 8 8 Flushing Recommended at drinking water fixtures
Mesa Unified District
Lincoln Elem School
Yes 4/18/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing Recommended at drinking water fixture
Mesa Unified District
Lindbergh Elem School
Yes 4/18/2017 and 4/19/2017 Yes 3 3 Flushing Recommended at drinking water fixtures
Mesa Unified District
Longfellow Elem School
Yes 4/18/2017 Yes 3 2 Flushing Recommended at drinking water fixtures
Mesa Unified District
Lowell Elem School
Yes 4/18/2017 and 4/19/2017 Yes 5 5 Shut off water to drinking water fixtures above 50ppb, flush drinking water fixtures below 50ppb
Mesa Unified District
McKellips Learning Center
Yes 4/26/2017 Yes 3 3 Shut off water to drinking water fixtures above 50ppb, flush drinking water fixtures below 50ppb
Mesa Unified District
Mendoza Elem School
Yes 4/13/2017 and 4/17/2017 Yes 2 2 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Mesa Unified District
Mesa H S
Yes 4/20/2017 4/24/2017 and 4/27/2017 Yes 1 1 Shut off water to drinking water fixtures above 50ppb
Mesa Unified District
Mountain View H S
Yes 4/22/2017 and 4/26/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Mesa Unified District
Patterson Elem
Yes 4/20/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Mesa Unified District
Red Mountain Center for Early Eduction (formerly East Mesa Early Childhood)
Mesa Unified District
Redbird Elem School
Yes 4/26/2017 Yes 2 2 Flushing Recommended at drinking water fixtures
Mesa Unified District
Rhodes Junior H S
Yes 4/26/2017 Yes 5 5 Shut off drinking water to building. Flushing Recommended at other drinking water fixtures.
Mesa Unified District
Robson Elem School
Yes 4/26/2017 Yes 2 2 Flushing Recommended at drinking water fixtures
Mesa Unified District
Roosevelt Elem School
Yes 4/26/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing Recommended at drinking water fixture
Mesa Unified District
Salk Elem School
Yes 4/20/2017 Yes 3 3 Shut off water to drinking water fixture above 50ppb, flushing for drinking water fixture below 50ppb
Mesa Unified District
Yes 4/21/2017 and 4/26/2017 Yes 3 3 Shut off water to drinking water fixtures above 50ppb, flush drinking water fixtures below 50ppb
Mesa Unified District
Sirrine Elem School
Yes 4/25/2017 Yes 5 5 Shut off drinking water to the building, flush fixtures at other locations below 50 ppb
Mesa Unified District
Sousa Elem School
Yes 4/21/2017 Yes 2 2 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixtures
Mesa Unified District
Stevenson Elem School
Yes 4/20/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Mesa Unified District
Summit Junior H S (formerly Hendrix)
Yes 4/26/2017 Yes 2 2 Shut off drinking water to the building, flush fixtures at other locations below 50 ppb
Mesa Unified District
Sundown H S
Mesa Unified District
Sunridge Learning Center
Mesa Unified District
Mesa Unified District
Washington Elem School
Mesa Unified District
Webster Elem School
Yes 4/25/2017 and 4/26/2017 Yes 3 3 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Mesa Unified District
Westwood H S
Yes 4/27/2017 Yes 3 3 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Mesa Unified District
Whitman Elem School
Yes 4/18/2017 and 4/19/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Mesa Unified District
Whittier Elem School
Yes 4/18/2017 Yes 2 Post sign at non-drinking water fixtures
Miami Unified District
Lee Kornegay Middle School
Yes 2/15/2017 Yes 4 3 Shut off water to drinking water fixture above 50ppb, flushing for drinking water fixture below 50ppb
Miami Unified District
Miami H S
Yes 2/16/2017 Yes 3 Flushing recommended at non-drinking water fixture
Mohave Valley Elem District
Mohave Valley Elem
Yes 3/21/2017 Yes 1 Hand washing sink was shut off; school is closed and has not had students since the end of 2015
Murphy Elem District
Alfred F Garcia School
Yes 3/31/2017 Yes 3 2
Murphy Elem District
Arthur M Hamilton School
Yes 3/31/2017 Yes 1 Post sign at non drinking water fixture
Murphy Elem District
Jack L Kuban Elem School
Yes 3/31/2017 Yes 3 3 Shut off water to drinking water fixture above 50ppb, flushing for drinking water fixture below 50ppb
Murphy Elem District
William R Sullivan Elem School
Yes 4/4/2017 Yes 3 2 Shut off water to drinking water fixture above 50ppb, flushing for drinking water fixture below 50ppb
District|School Screening
Screening Sample

Collection Date
Result Above Screening Level Number of Samples
Above 15 PPB
Number of Drinking Water
Samples Above 15 PPB
ADEQ Recommended Corrective
Navajo County Accommodation District
Navajo County Instruction for Success (formerlyRainbow Accommodation School
Yes 3/1/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Nogales Unified District
Challenger Elem School
Yes 3/8/2017 Yes 1 Flushing recommended at non-drinking water fixture
Nogales Unified District
Nogales H S
Yes 3/7/2017 Yes 2 2 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Nogales Unified District
Pierson Vocational H S (formerly Santa Cruz Alternative H.S.)
Yes 3/8/2017 Yes 2 Post sign at non-drinking water fixture above 50ppb, flushing for non-drinking water fixture below 50ppb
Oracle Elem District
Oracle Ridge School
Yes 4/1/2017 Yes 2 2 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture: Shut off water to drinking water fixture above 50 ppb
Osborn Elem District
Longview Elem School
Yes 3/14/2017 Yes 1 Post sign at non-drinking water fixture
Page Unified District
Manson Mesa H S
Paradise Valley Unified District
Arrowhead Elem School
Yes 3/7/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Paradise Valley Unified District
Cholla Complex (formerly Gold Dust Elem School)
Yes 3/7/2017 Yes 3 3 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Paradise Valley Unified District
Explorer Middle School
Yes 3/23/2017 Yes 1 Post sign at non-drinking water fixture
Paradise Valley Unified District
Foothills Elem School
Yes 3/20/2017 Yes 1 Post sign at non-drinking water fixture above 50ppb, flushing for non-drinking water fixture below 50ppb
Paradise Valley Unified District
Greenway Middle School
Yes 3/30/2017 Yes 2 Post sign at non-drinking water fixture
Paradise Valley Unified District
Palomino Elem School
3/9/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Paradise Valley Unified District
Polaris H S
Paradise Valley Unified District
Shadow Mountain H S
Yes 4/3/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water source
Paradise Valley Unified District
Sunrise Middle School
Yes 3/29/2017 Yes 2 Post sign at non-drinking water fixtures
Paradise Valley Unified District
Vista Verde Middle School
Yes 3/27/2017 Yes 2 2 Flushing recommended at drinking water sources
Parker U S D
Le Pera Elem School
Yes 3/24/2017 Yes 2 Flushing recommended at non-drinking water fixture
Parker U S D
Parker Alternative School
Parker U S D
Parker H S
Yes 4/11/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Patagonia Elem District
Patagonia Elem School
Patagonia Elem District
Patagonia Middle School
Payson Unified District
Payson H S
Yes 3/21/2017 Yes 4 Flushing recommended at non-drinking water fixture
Peach Springs Unified District
Music Mountain Junior / Senior High
Peach Springs Unified District
Peach Springs School
Pendergast Elem District
Garden Lakes Elem School
Peoria Unified District
Cactus H S
Yes 3/22/2017 Yes 2 2 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Peoria Unified District
Canyon Elem School
Peoria Unified District
Copperwood School
Yes 3/22/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Peoria Unified District
Cotton Ball School
Yes 3/21/2017 Yes 5 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Peoria Unified District
Frontier Elem
Peoria Unified District
Kachina School
Yes 4/7/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Peoria Unified District
Liberty High
Yes 3/20/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Peoria Unified District
Oasis Elem School
Yes 3/21/2017 Yes 1 Post sign at non drtinking water fixture
Peoria Unified District
Parkridge Elem
Yes 3/20/2017 Yes 1 1 Shut off water to drinking water fixture above 50 ppb
Peoria Unified District
Paseo Verde Elem School
Yes 3/20/2017 Yes 1 Post sign at non drtinking water fixture
Peoria Unified District
Peoria Elem School
Yes 3/22/2017 Yes 1 Post sign at non drtinking water fixture
Peoria Unified District
Pioneer School
Yes 4/5/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Peoria Unified District
Sahuaro Ranch School
Yes 3/22/2017 Yes 1 1 Shut off water to drinking water fixture above 50 ppb
Peoria Unified District
Sky View Elem School
Yes 3/21/2017 Yes 1 Post sign at non drtinking water fixture
Peoria Unified District
Sun Valley School
Yes 3/22/2017 Yes 2 1 Shut off water to drinking water fixture above 50 ppb
Peoria Unified District
Sundance Elem School
Yes 3/22/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Phoenix Elem District
Augustus H Shaw Montessori
Yes 4/24/2017 Yes 2 2 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixtures
Phoenix Elem District
Garfield School
Yes 4/19/2017 Yes 4 3 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Phoenix Elem District
Maie Bartlett Heard School
Phoenix Elem District
Mary McLeod Bethune School
Yes 4/25/2017 None
Phoenix Elem District
Paul Dunbar Lawrence School
Yes 3/15/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Phoenix Union H S District
Bostrom Alternative Center
Yes 4/6/2017 Yes 2 Post sign at non-drinking water fixture
Phoenix Union H S District
Carl Hayden H S
Yes 3/24/2017 Yes 4 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Phoenix Union H S District
Maryvale H S
Yes 3/30/2017 Yes 1 Post sign at non-drinking water fixture
Phoenix Union H S District
South Mountain H S
Yes 3/24/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Pima Unified District
Pima Elem School
Pima Unified District
Pima Junior/Senior H S
Pine Strawberry Elem District
Pine Strawberry Elem School
Yes 3/20/2017 Yes 2 1 Shut off water to fixture above 50ppb, flushing for fixture below 50ppb
Pinon Unified District
Pinon Elem School
Pinon Unified District
Pinon H S
Pinon Unified District
Pinon Middle School
Prescott Unified District
Prescott Mile High Middle School
Yes 4/10/2017 Yes 1 1 Shut off water to drinking water fixture
District|School Screening
Screening Sample

Collection Date
Result Above Screening Level Number of Samples
Above 15 PPB
Number of Drinking Water
Samples Above 15 PPB
ADEQ Recommended Corrective
Ray Unified District
Ray Elem School
Yes 3/14/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Ray Unified District
District Office/Facitilies
Yes 3/15/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Red Mesa Unified District
Red Mesa Elem School
Red Mesa Unified District
Red Mesa H S
Red Mesa Unified District
Red Mesa Junior High
Red Mesa Unified District
Red Valley / Cove H S
Red Mesa Unified District
Round Rock Elem School
Roosevelt Elem District
Amy Houston Academy (formerly South Mountain Academy)
Yes 2/18/2017 Yes 3 3 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Roosevelt Elem District
Cloves C. Campbell Elem School
Yes 4/6/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Roosevelt Elem District
John R Davis School
Yes 2/25/207 and 3/1/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Roosevelt Elem District
Rose Linda School
Roosevelt Elem District
Southwest Elem School
Yes 3/21/2007 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Roosevelt Elem District
Student Services Center
Yes 3/21/2007
Round Valley Unified District
Round Valley Primary School
Yes 3/22/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Sacaton Elem District
Sacaton Elem School
Sacaton Elem District
Sacaton Middle School
Safford Unified District
Dorothy Stinson School
Safford Unified District
Mt Graham H S
Safford Unified District
Ruth Powell School
Safford Unified District
Safford H S
Safford Unified District
Safford Middle School
Sahuarita Unified District
Sopori Elem School
Yes 3/31/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Salome Consolidated Elem District
Salome Elem School
San Carlos Unified District
Rice School
San Carlos Unified District
San Carlos Intermediate
Sanders Unified District
Valley H S
Yes 4/4/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Santa Cruz Valley Union H S District
Santa Cruz Valley Union H S
Yes 3/9/17 & 3/10/17 Yes 2 Post sign at non-drinking water fixture above 50ppb, flushing for non-drinking water fixture below 50ppb
Scottsdale Unified District
Apache Site
Yes 3/8/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Scottsdale Unified District
Chaparral H S
Yes 3/1/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Scottsdale Unified District
Cheyenne (formerly Aztec) Elem School
Yes 3/2/2017 Yes 3 3 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Scottsdale Unified District
Desert Mountain H S
Yes 3/6/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Scottsdale Unified District
Hohokam Elem School
Yes 3/8/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Scottsdale Unified District
Hopi Elem School
Yes 3/24/2017 Yes 2 Post a sign at non drinking water sources
Scottsdale Unified District
Navajo Elem School
Yes 3/7/2017 Yes 1 1 Shut off water to drinking water fixture
Scottsdale Unified District
Pima Elem School
Yes 3/8/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Scottsdale Unified District
Tonalea K-8 (formerly Supai Middle School)
Yes 3/8/2017 Yes 1 1 Shut off water to drinking water fixture
Sedona-Oak Creek Joint Unified District
Big Park Community School
Yes 3/31/2017 Yes 1 Flushing recommended at non-drinking water fixture
Sedona-Oak Creek Joint Unified District
West Sedona Elem School
Yes 3/29/2017 Yes 1 Post sign at non-drinking water fixture
Show Low Unified District
White Mountain Institute
Sierra Vista Unified District
Carmichael Elem School
Yes 3/16/2017 Yes 1 1 Shut off water to drinking water fixture
Sierra Vista Unified District
Joyce Clark Middle School (formerly Sierra Vista Middle School)
Yes 3/17/2017 Yes 1 1 Shut off water to drinking water fixture
Sierra Vista Unified District
Pueblo Del Sol Elem School
Yes 3/16/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Sierra Vista Unified District
Special Service Center
Yes 3/17/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Snowflake Unified District
Snowflake H S
Yes 4/3/2017 Yes 1 Flushing recommended at non-drinking water fixture
Solomon Elem District
Solomon Elem School
Yes 4/24/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Sunnyside Unified District
Challenger Middle School
Yes 4/6/2017 Yes 1 Flush water to non-drinking water fixture recommended
Sunnyside Unified District
Desert View H S
Yes 4/13/2017 Yes 1 1 Post sign at non-drinking water fixture
Sunnyside Unified District
Los Ninos Elem School
Yes 4/12/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing drinking water fixture recommended
Sunnyside Unified District
Los Ranchitos School
Yes 4/5/2017 Yes 1 1 Shut off water to drinking water fixture
District|School Screening
Screening Sample

Collection Date
Result Above Screening Level Number of Samples
Above 15 PPB
Number of Drinking Water
Samples Above 15 PPB
ADEQ Recommended Corrective
Tempe Elem District
Nevitt Elem School
Yes 4/6/2017 Yes 3 3 Flushing recommended at non-drinking water fixture
Tempe Union H S District
Marcos de Niza H S
Yes 3/6/2017 Yes 4 1 Post sign at non-drinking water fixture above 50ppb, flushing for drinking water and non-drinking water fixture below 50ppb
Tempe Union H S District
McClintock H S
Yes 3/7/2017 Yes 3 Post sign non-drinking water fixture above 50ppb, flushing for non-drinking water fixture below 50ppb
Tempe Union H S District
Tempe H S
Yes 3/8/2017 Yes 2 Flushing recommended at non-drinking water fixture
Tolleson Union H S District
Tolleson Union H S
Yes 2/22/017 Yes 3 1 Shut off water to fixture
Tombstone Unified District
Huachuca City School
Yes 3/2/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Tombstone Unified District
Walter J Meyer School
Yes 3/1/2017 Yes 2 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Tucson Unified District
Catalina High Magnet School
Yes 3/21/2017 Yes 2 2 Shut off water to drinking water fixture
Tucson Unified District
Maxwell Middle School
Yes 3/21/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Tucson Unified District
Myers/Ganoung Elem School
Yes 3/21/2017 Yes 1 1 Shut off water to drinking water fixture
Tucson Unified District
Palo Verde High Magnet School
Yes 3/21/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Tucson Unified District
Rincon / University H S
Yes 3/21/2017 Yes 1 1 Shut off water to drinking water fixture
Tucson Unified District
Sabino H S
Yes 3/21/2017 Yes 1 1 Shut water off to fixture
Tucson Unified District
Safford Elem School
Yes 3/22/2017 Yes None
Tucson Unified District
Sahuaro H S
Yes 3/21/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Vernon Elem District
Vernon Elem School
Yes 3/8/2017 Yes 1 Shut off water to pump house building
Washington Elem District
Desert View Elem School
Yes 4/13/2017 Yes 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Washington Elem District
John Jacobs Elem School
Yes 4/19/2017 Yes
Washington Elem District
Mountain Sky Middle School
Yes 4/27/2017 Yes 1 Post sign at non-drinking water source
Washington Elem District
Sunset School
Yes 3/30/2017 Yes 1 1 All high results at non drinking water fixtures/post signs at fixtures
Wickenburg Unified District
MacLennan School
Yes 4/1/2017 Yes 1 1 Shut off water to drinking water fixture
Wickenburg Unified District
Vulture Peak School
Yes 4/1/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Willcox Unified District
Willcox H S
Yes 3/22/2017 Yes 2 2 Shut off water to drinking water fixture above 50ppb, flushing for drinking water fixture below 50ppb
Williams Unified District
Williams Elem-Middle School
Yes 3/3/2017 Yes 1 Flushing recommended at non-drinking water
Wilson Elem District
Wilson Elem School
Yes 3/17/2017 Yes 1 1 Flushing recommended at non-drinking water
Yuma Elem District
C W McGraw Elem School
Yes 2/23/2017 Yes 1 Flushing recommended at non-drinking water
Yuma Elem District
Gwyneth Ham Elem School
Yes 2/17/2017 Yes 2 Shut off water to Middle Wing building
Yuma Union H S District
Kofa H S
Yes 3/20/2017 and 3/21/2017 Yes 3 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Yuma Union H S District
Vista South Alternative School
Yes 3/6/2017 Yes 1 Post sign at non-drinking water fixture
Yuma Union H S District
Yuma H S
3/23/2017 Yes 2 1 Flush drinking water source and put sign on non drinking water source recommended

Arizona 1st Grade ELA Standards: Standards Sub-Committee Working Group Draft 2016

1st Grade 2010 ELA Standards | 2016 ELA Standards Rewrite Comparison

Reading Standards for Literature
Code Standard Draft Standard Vertical Alignment Horizontal Alignment Final Decision
1.RL.1 Ask and answer questions about key details in a text. Ask and answer questions such as who, what, where, why, and how about key details in a text. No changes, refinement agreed to by group.
1.RL.2 Retell stories, including key details, and demonstrate understanding of their central message or lesson. Retell stories incuding key details and demonstrate understanding of their main idea, central message, or lesson. No changes, refinement agreed to by group.
1.RL.3 Describe characters, settings, and major events in a story, using key details. Describe characters, settings, and major events in a story, using key details.
Craft and Structure
1.RL.4 Identify words and phrases in stories or poems that suggest feelings or appeal to the senses. Identify words and phrases in stories or poems that suggest feelings or appeal to the senses.
1.RL.5 Explain major differences between books that tell stories and books that give information, drawing on a wide reading of a range of text types. Explain major differences between books that tell stories and books that give information, drawing on a wide reading of a range of text types. Explain major differences between books that tell stories and books that give information, drawing on a wide range of text types.
1.RL.6 Identify who is telling the story at various points in a text. Identify who is telling the story at various points in a text.
Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
1.RL.7 Use illustrations and details in a story to describe its characters, setting, or events. Use illustrations and details in a story to describe its characters, setting, or events.
1.RL.8 (Not applicable to literature) (Not applicable to literature)
1.RL.9 Compare and contrast the adventures and experiences of characters in stories. Compare and contrast the adventures and experiences of characters in stories.
Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
Code Standard Draft Standard Vertical Alignment Horizontal Alignment Final Decision
Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity
1.RI.1 Ask and answer questions about key details in a text. Ask and answer questions such as who, what, where, why, and how about key details in a text. No changes, refinement agreed to by group.
1.RI.2 Identify the main topic and retell key details of a text. Identify the main topic and retell key details of a text.
1.RI.3 Describe the connection between two individuals, events, ideas, or pieces of information in a text. Describe the connection between two individuals, events, ideas, or pieces of information in a text. Add verbiage “key details” to align with 1.Ri.1 and 1.Ri.2. Describe the connection between two individuals, events, ideas, or pieces of information in a text using key details.
Craft and Structure
1.RI.4 Ask and answer questions to help determine or clarify the meaning of words and phrases in a text. Ask and answer questions to help determine or clarify the meaning of words and phrases in a text.
1.RI.5 Know and use various text features (e.g., headings, tables of contents, glossaries, electronic menus, icons) to locate key facts or information in a text. Know and use various text features (e.g., headings, tables of contents, glossaries, electronic menus, icons) to locate key facts or information in a text.
1.RI.6 Distinguish between information provided by pictures or other illustrations and information provided by the words in a text. Distinguish between information provided by pictures or other illustrations and information provided by the words in a text.
Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
Code Standard Draft Standard Vertical Alignment Horizontal Alignment Final Decision
1.RI.7 Use the illustrations and details in a text to describe its key ideas. Use the illustrations and details in a text to describe its key ideas.
1.RI.8 Identify the reasons an author gives to support points in a text. Identify the reasons an author gives to support points in a text.
1.RI.9 Identify basic similarities in and differences between two texts on the same topic (e.g., in illustrations, descriptions, or procedures). Identify basic similarities in and differences between two texts on the same topic (e.g., in illustrations, descriptions, or procedures).
Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity
Code Standard Draft Standard Vertical Alignment Horizontal Alignment Final Decision
1.RI.10 With prompting and support, read informational texts appropriately complex for grade 1. With prompting and support, read informational texts including functional texts, history/social studies, science, and technical texts, appropriately complex for grade 1. Refinement agreed to by group.
AZ.1.RI.10 a. With prompting and support, read functional texts including history/social studies, science and technical texts, appropriately complex for grade 1. Delete AZ.1.RI.10 Refinement agreed to by group.
Reading Standards: Foundational Skills
Print Concepts
Code Standard Draft Standard Vertical Alignment Horizontal Alignment Final Decision
1.RF.1 “Demonstrate understanding of the organization and basic features of print.
a. Recognize the distinguishing features of a sentence (e.g., first word, capitalization, ending punctuation).”
“Demonstrate understanding of the organization and basic features of print.

a. Recognize the distinguishing features of a sentence (e.g., capitalization of first word and ending punctuation).”

“Demonstrate understanding of the organization and basic features of print.

a. Recognize the distinguishing features of a sentence: capitalization of first word and ending punctuation.”

Phonological Awareness
Code Standard Draft Standard Vertical Alignment Horizontal Alignment Final Decision
1.RF.2 “Demonstrate understanding of spoken words, syllables, and sounds (phonemes).

a. Distinguish long from short vowel sounds in spoken single‐syllable words.

b. Orally produce single‐syllable words by blending sounds (phonemes), including consonant blends.

c. Isolate and pronounce initial, medial vowel, and final sounds (phonemes) in spoken single syllable words.

d. Segment spoken single syllable words into their complete sequence of individual sounds (phonemes).”

“Demonstrate understanding of spoken words, syllables, and sounds (phonemes).

a. Distinguish long from short vowel sounds in spoken single‐syllable words.

b. Orally produce single‐syllable words by blending sounds (phonemes), including consonant blends.

d. Isolate and pronounce initial, medial vowel, and final sounds (phonemes) in spoken single syllable words.

e. Segment spoken one syllable words of three to five phonemes into individual phonemes (e.g., /s/p/l/a/t/)

f. Orally generate a series of original rhyming words using a variety of phonograms (e.g., -ed, -ake, -ant, ain,) and consonant blends (e.g., bl, st, tr)

Refinement agreed to by group.
1.RF.3 “Know and apply grade‐level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words.

a. Know the spelling‐sound correspondences for common consonant digraphs.

b. Decode regularly spelled one syllable words.

c. Know final ‐e and common vowel team conventions for representing long vowel sounds.

d. Use knowledge that every syllable must have a vowel sound to determine the number of syllables in a printed word.

e. Decode two‐syllable words following basic patterns by breaking the words into syllables.

f. Read words with inflectional endings.

g. Recognize and read grade‐appropriate irregularly spelled words.”

“Know and apply grade‐level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words.

a. Know the spelling‐sound correspondences for common consonant digraphs.

b. Decode regularly spelled one syllable words.

c. Use knowledge that every syllable must have a vowel sound to determine the number of syllables in a printed word.

d. Recognize and apply all six syllable types with grade-level appropriate texts.

e. Read words with inflectional endings.

f. Recognize and read grade‐appropriate irregularly spelled words.

“Refinement agreed to by group.
1.RF.4 “Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension.

a. Read on-level text with purpose and understanding.

b. Read on‐level text orally with accuracy, appropriate rate, and expression on successive readings.

c. Use context to confirm or self‐correct word recognition and understanding, rereading as necessary.”

“Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension.

a. Read on-level text with purpose and understanding.

b. Read on‐level text orally with accuracy, appropriate rate, and expression on successive readings.

c. Use context to confirm or self‐correct word recognition and understanding, rereading as necessary.”

College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for Writing
Text Types and Purposes
Code Standard Draft Standard Vertical Alignment Horizontal Alignment Final Decision
1.W.1 “Write opinion pieces in which they introduce the topic or name the book they are writing about, state an opinion, supply a reason for the opinion, and provide some sense of closure.” “Write opinion pieces in which they introduce the topic or name the book they are writing about, state an opinion, supply a reason for the opinion, and provide some sense of closure.”
1.W.2 “Write informative/explanatory texts in which they name a topic, supply some facts about the topic, and provide some sense of closure.” “Write informative/explanatory texts in which they name a topic, supply some facts about the topic, and provide some sense of closure.”
1.W.3 “Write narratives in which they recount two or more appropriately sequenced events, include some details regarding what happened, use temporal words to signal event order, and provide some sense of closure.” “Write narratives in which they recount two or more appropriately sequenced events, include some details regarding what happened, use temporal words to signal event order, and provide some sense of closure.”
Production and Distribution of Writing
1.W.4 With guidance and support from adults, produce writing in which the development and organization are appropriate to task and purpose. (Grade‐specific expectations for writing types are defined in standards 1–3 above). With guidance and support from adults, produce writing in which the development and organization are appropriate to task and purpose. (Grade‐specific expectations for writing types are defined in standards 1–3 above).
AZ.1.W.4 “a. With guidance and support from adults, produce functional writing (e.g., classroom rules, experiments, notes/messages, friendly letters, labels, graphs/tables, directions, posters) in which the development and organization are appropriate to task and purpose.” Eliminate Az.1.W.4.a Refinement agreed to by group.
1.W.5 With guidance and support from adults, focus on a topic, respond to questions and suggestions from peers, and add details to strengthen writing as needed. With guidance and support from adults, focus on a topic, respond to questions and suggestions from peers, and add details to strengthen writing as needed.
1.W.6 With guidance and support from adults, use a variety of digital tools to produce and publish writing, including in collaboration with peers. With guidance and support from adults, use a variety of digital tools to produce and publish writing, including in collaboration with peers.


Research to Build and Present Knowledge
Code Standard Draft Standard Vertical Alignment Horizontal Alignment Final Decision
1.W.7 “Participate in shared research and writing projects (e.g., explore a number of “”how‐to”” books on a given topic and use them to write a sequence of instructions).” “Participate in shared research and writing projects (e.g., explore a number of “”how‐to”” books on a given topic and use them to write a sequence of instructions).” Add verbiage to beginning “with guidance and support from adults” to align with 1.W.8. “With guidance and support from adults, Participate in shared research and writing projects (e.g., explore a number of “”how‐to”” books on a given topic and use them to write a sequence of instructions).”
1.W.8 With guidance and support from adults, recall information from experiences or gather information from provided sources to answer a question. With guidance and support from adults, recall information from experiences or gather information from provided sources to answer a question.
1.W.9 (Begins in grade 4)
Range of Writing
1.W.10 (Begins in grade 3) (Begins in grade 3)
Speaking and Listening Standards
Comprehension and Collaboration
1.SL.1 “Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners about grade 1 topics and texts with peers and adults in small and larger groups.
a. Follow agreed‐upon rules for discussions (e.g., listening to others with care, speaking one at a time about the topics and texts under discussion).
b. Build on others’ talk in conversations by responding to the comments of others through multiple exchanges.
c. Ask questions to clear up any confusion about the topics and texts under discussion. “
“Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners about grade 1 topics and texts with peers and adults in small and larger groups.
a. Follow agreed‐upon rules for discussions (e.g., listening to others with care, speaking one at a time about the topics and texts under discussion).
b. Build on others’ talk in conversations by responding to the comments of others through multiple exchanges.
c. Ask questions to clear up any confusion about the topics and texts under discussion.”
1.SL.2 Ask and answer questions about key details in a text read aloud or information presented orally or through other media. Ask and answer questions about key details in a text read aloud or information presented orally or through other media.
1.SL.3 Ask and answer questions about what a speaker says in order to gather additional information or clarify something that is not understood. Ask and answer questions about what a speaker says in order to gather additional information or clarify something that is not understood.
Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas
1.SL.4 Describe people, places, things, and events with relevant details, expressing ideas and feelings clearly. Describe people, places, things, and events with relevant details, expressing ideas and feelings clearly.
1.SL.5 Add drawings or other visual displays to descriptions when appropriate to clarify ideas, thoughts, and feelings. Add drawings or other visual displays to descriptions when appropriate to clarify ideas, thoughts, and feelings.
1.SL.6 Produce complete sentences when appropriate to task and situation. (See grade 1 Language standard 1 for specific expectations.) Produce complete sentences when appropriate to task and situation. (See 1.L.1. for specific expectations.)
Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas
1.SL.4 Describe people, places, things, and events with relevant details, expressing ideas and feelings clearly. Describe people, places, things, and events with relevant details, expressing ideas and feelings clearly.
1.SL.5 Add drawings or other visual displays to descriptions when appropriate to clarify ideas, thoughts, and feelings. Add drawings or other visual displays to descriptions when appropriate to clarify ideas, thoughts, and feelings.
1.SL.6 Produce complete sentences when appropriate to task and situation. (See grade 1 Language standard 1 for specific expectations.) Produce complete sentences when appropriate to task and situation. (See 1.L.1. for specific expectations.)
Language Standards
Conventions of Standard English
1.L.1 “Demonstrate command of the conventions of Standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.
a. Print all upper‐ and lowercase letters.
b. Use common, proper, and possessive nouns.
c. Use singular and plural nouns with matching verbs in basic sentences (e.g., He hops. We hop.) d. Use personal, possessive, and indefinite pronouns (e.g., I, me, my; they, them, their; anyone, everything).
e. Use verbs to convey a sense of past, present, and future (e.g., Yesterday I walked home; Today I walk home; Tomorrow I will walk home).
f. Use frequently occurring adjectives.
g. Use frequently occurring conjunctions (e.g., and, but, or, so, because).
h. Use determiners (e.g., articles, demonstratives).
i. Use frequently occurring prepositions (e.g., during, beyond, toward).
j. Produce and expand complete simple and compound declarative, interrogative, imperative, and exclamatory sentences in response to prompts.”
“Demonstrate command of the conventions of Standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.
a. Use common, proper, and possessive nouns.
b. Use singular and plural nouns with matching verbs in basic sentences (e.g., He hops. We hop.)
c. Use personal, possessive, and indefinite pronouns (e.g., I, me, my; they, them, their; anyone, everything).
d. Use verbs to convey a sense of past, present, and future (e.g., Yesterday I walked home.; Today I walk home.; Tomorrow I will walk home.).
e. Use frequently occurring adjectives.
f.Use frequently occurring conjunctions (e.g., and, but, or, so, because).
g. Use determiners (e.g., articles, demonstratives).
h. Use frequently occurring prepositions (e.g., during, beyond, toward).
i. Produce and expand complete simple and compound declarative, interrogative, imperative, and exclamatory sentences in response to prompts.”
Refinement agreed to by group. Formatting: add a line space before a, b, c. Define i.e. and e.g. in glossary. *1.L.1a moved to Writing Foundations
AZ.1.L.1 k. Write multiple sentences in an order that supports a main idea or story. k. Write multiple sentences in an order that supports a main idea or story.
1.L.2 “Demonstrate command of the conventions of Standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.
a. Capitalize dates and names of people.
b. Use end punctuation for sentences.
c. Use commas in dates and to separate single words in a series.
d. Use conventional spelling for words with common spelling patterns and for frequently occurring irregular words.
e. Spell untaught words phonetically, drawing on phonemic awareness and spelling conventions.”
“Demonstrate command of the conventions of Standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.
a. Capitalize dates and names of people.
b. Use end punctuation for sentences.
c. Use commas in dates and to separate single words in a series.
Refinement agreed to by group. *1.L.2e – moved to Writing Foundations (1.WF.9)
Knowledge of Language
1.L.3 (Begins in grade 2) (Begins in grade 2)
Vocabulary Acquisition and Use
1.L.4 “Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple‐meaning words and phrases based on grade 1 reading and content, choosing flexibly from an array of strategies.
a. Use sentence‐level context as a clue to the meaning of a word or phrase.
b. Use frequently occurring affixes as a clue to the meaning of a word.
c. Identify frequently occurring root words (e.g., look) and their inflectional forms (e.g., looks, looked, looking).”
“Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple‐meaning words and phrases based on grade 1 reading and content, choosing flexibly from an array of strategies.
a. Use sentence‐level context as a clue to the meaning of a word or phrase.
b. Use frequently occurring affixes as a clue to the meaning of a word.
c. Identify frequently occurring root words (e.g., look) and their inflectional forms (e.g., looks, looked, looking).”
Add verbiage “With guidance and support from adults” to beginning to align with 1.L.5. “With guidance and support from adults, determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple‐meaning words and phrases based on grade 1 reading and content, choosing flexibly from an array of strategies.
a. Use sentence‐level context as a clue to the meaning of a word or phrase.
b. Use frequently occurring affixes as a clue to the meaning of a word.
c. Identify frequently occurring root words (e.g., look) and their inflectional forms (e.g., looks, looked, looking).”
1.L.5 “With guidance and support from adults, demonstrate understanding of word relationships and nuances in word meanings.
a. Sort words into categories (e.g., colors, clothing) to gain a sense of the concepts the categories represent.
b. Define words by category and by one or more key attributes (e.g., a duck is a bird that swims; a tiger is a large cat with stripes).
c. Identify real‐life connections between words and their use (e.g., note places at home that are cozy).
d. Distinguish shades of meaning among verbs differing in manner (e.g., look, peek, glance, stare, glare, scowl) and adjectives differing in intensity (e.g., large, gigantic) by defining or choosing them or by acting out the meanings.”
“With guidance and support from adults, demonstrate understanding of word relationships and nuances in word meanings.
a. Sort words into categories (e.g., colors, clothing) to gain a sense of the concepts the categories represent.
b. Define words by category and by one or more key attributes (e.g., a duck is a bird that swims; a tiger is a large cat with stripes).
c. Identify real‐life connections between words and their use (e.g., note places at home that are cozy).
d. Distinguish shades of meaning among verbs differing in manner (e.g., look, peek, glance, stare, glare, scowl) and adjectives differing in intensity (e.g., large, gigantic) by defining or choosing them or by acting out the meanings.”
1.L.6 Use words and phrases acquired through conversations, reading and being read to, and responding to texts, including using frequently occurring conjunctions to signal simple relationships (e.g., because). Use words and phrases acquired through conversations, reading and being read to, and responding to texts, including using frequently occurring conjunctions to signal simple relationships (e.g., because). Add verbiage “With guidance and support from adults” to beginning to align with 1.L.5. With guidance and support from adults, use words and phrases acquired through conversations, reading and being read to, and responding to texts, including using frequently occurring conjunctions to signal simple relationships (e.g., because).
Writing Standards: Foundational Skills (Not present in 2010 standards) 2016
Write upper and lower case manuscript alphabet from memory
Write common grapheme (letter or letter group) for each phoneme
Orally segment the phonemes in any single-syllable, spoken word
Know that each syllable is organized around a vowel sound
“Spell common, regular, single syllable words
a. short vowels and single consonants
b. Consonant graphemes including qu,x, and -ck; digraphs ( e.g., thin, shop when, much, sing); and doubled letters (e.g., off, will, mess)
c. Initial and final consonants blends (e.g., must, slab, plump)
d. Long vowels spelled correctly predictably, including VCe (e.g., came, like) a few common vowel teams (e.g., boat, play, wait, see, team, right), and final -y (e.g., cry)
e. Vowel -r combinations including er, ar, or (e.g., her, for, car)
“Spell words with inflections
a. Verbs with -ing, -ed and -s and no change in the base word (e.g., snowed, playing, jumps)
b. Nouns with -s, -es, and not change to the base word (e.g., rugs, kisses)
c. Adjectives with -er, -est and no change to the base word (e.g., slower)
“Spell two-syllable words that:
a. End in -y, -ly (e.g., smelly, badly)
b. Are compounds (e.g., hotdog)
c. Have two closed syllables (e.g., rabbit, wagon)
“Spell the 100 most often used words in English
a. Irregular words (e.g., said, what, are, they was)
b. Patterned based words (e.g., he, him, for, in, by, like)
Spell untaught words phonetically, drawing on phonemic awareness and spelling conventions

Prop 123 Contributors

Contributors to the Yes on Prop 123 campaign

Contributor Amount
AEA Education Improvement Fund $15,000
Allen, Jeffrey $2,500
AMA Better Government Fund $10,000
Apollo Education Group, Inc. $25,000
Arizona Charter Schools Association $10,000
ASU Foundation $75,000
Baker, Paul L. $10,000
Ballantyne III, Reginald $5,000
Barrett, Barbara $2,500
Barrett, Craig $2,500
Benson, Lee $30,000
Berwick Insurance Group $5,000
Biltis, Jack $10,000
Blandford Homes $100,000
Bouma, John J. $1,000
Bryan, John $25,000
Budinger, Donald $5,000
Busch, Frank $2,500
Carefree Communities $1,000
Carr, Liane $1,250
Carr, True $1,250
Chanen Construction $2,500
Citizens Protecting Taxpayers $2,800
Classical Education Systems LLC $1,000
Click Jr, Jim $1,437
Clipper Marketplace $9,511
Colangelo, Jerry $5,000
Cole, Donald $5,000
Coleman, Bert $1,000
Collins, Richard $1,000
Coor, Lattie F $1,000
Cox Communications $77,701
Critchfield, Paul $2,500
Dawson, Barbara $1,000
Delta Diversified Enterprises $2,000
Diamond Ventures $1,000
DMB Associates, Inc $50,000
Donelson, Larry $1,000
Downey, Patrick $1,000
DP Opportunity Investors LLC $1,000
DPR Southwest $10,000
Eaton David $2,000
Edwards, Colleen $1,000
El Dorado Holdings, Inc. $5,000
Evans, Ardie $5,380
Feeney, Matthew $1,000
Florkiewicz, Warren F. $1,000
Francis, Philip L $10,000
Friends of Doug Ducey $1,116
Fulton, Ira $100,000
Gaines, Cheryl $2,500
Gaines, Ira $2,500
Gallagher & Kennedy $5,000
Garcia, Ernie II $10,000
Gila River Indian Community $25,000
Gilman, Thomas $2,500
Goldwater, Bob $1,000
Goodman, Stuart $1,000
GOODMANS Inc $3,983
Grand Canyon University $50,000
Greater Phoenix Leadership, INC. $305,000
GreenbergTraurig $10,000
Halle, Bruce $1,000,000
Hayden, Jerry $5,000
Hayden, Marilyn J $5,000
Health System Alliance of Arizona $100,000
Heggs, Alvin $1,000
Helios Education Foundation $100,000
Hobbs, Bob $5,000
Hoecker, Thomas $1,000
Home Builders Association of Central Arizona $20,000
Honeywell International Political Action Committee Arizona-(HIPAC AZ) $15,000
J.D. Pruitt & Associates LLC $2,500
J.W. Teets Enterprises $1,000
Johnson, Robert $1,000
Jozoff, Ellen Jane $10,000
Kasle, John $1,000
Kasser, I Michael $5,000
Keating, Thomas W $1,000
Kitchell $15,000
Knight Transportation $5,000
Knight, Dennis $10,000
Lane, David $1,500
Larcher, David $10,000
Lavidge, William $5,000
Lehmann, Richard $5,000
Lewis Roca Rothgerber $7,500
Lewis, Alison $2,500
Lewis, Jan $12,500
Louis, Timothy $1,000
Magellan Health Services $10,000
Magnussen, Clint $1,000
Maracay Homes $5,000
Marrie, Michael $1,000
Mayo , Simer $2,500
Mayo Clinic in Arizona $10,000
McConnell, Stephen $1,000
McCord, Sharon $2,500
McCullough, Richard $1,000
McKeever, Jeffrey $2,500
Mehl, David $1,000
Meritage Homes $25,000
Metzler, William R. $25,000
Mireles, Omar $1,000
Molera Alvarez Group, LLC $1,000
Motorola Solutions, Inc. Political Action Committee $2,500
National Association of Industrial and Office Properties $20,000
Northern Arizona University Foundation $20,000
O’Rielly Chevrolet $1,000
Parsons, Renee $500,000
Parsons, Robert $500,000
Pierce, Mitch D. $5,000
Pima Medical Institute $50,000
Polsinelli $5,000
Post, William $25,000
Purves, Stephen $1,000
Rainy Partners LLC $5,000
Robson Communities Inc $27,000
Robson, Edward $25,000
Ryan Companies $5,000
Salt River Pima Maricopa Indian Community $25,000
Salt River Project $75,000
Schubert, Bill $1,000
Smith, Barry $5,000
Snell & Wilmer, LLP $10,000
Southern Arizona Leadership Council $25,000
Southwest Gas $5,000
Stead, Jerre $10,000
Strittmatter, John $1,000
Sunbelt Holdings $5,000
Swanson, James $1,000
Swift Transportation $10,000
Tashman, Haldun $2,500
Tashman, Nihal $2,500
The Friends of the ASBA, Inc. $15,000
The Plaza Companies $15,000
The Sundt Companies Inc. $15,000
The University of Arizona Foundation $75,000
Theisen, Chuck $5,000
UniSource Energy Corporation $10,000
Van Tuyl, Larry $50,000
Vantage West Credit Union $2,500
Von Galen, Ferdinand $2,500
Watts, Cynthia $22,250
Watts, Mike $22,250
Weatherup, Constance $10,000
Weil, Louis A III $1,000
Western Alliance Bank $30,000
Whiteman, John O $5,000
Yoom, Jeremiah $200
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Developing Legislation In Arizona

From the Arizona Legislature:

1) In Arizona a bill is introduced in the House or Seante by a Member, a group of Members, a Standing Committee or a Majority of a Committee, after being written in proper form by the Legislative Council.

2) A bill is branded (assigned a number), First Read and referred by the Speaker to appropriate Standing Committees and to the Chief Clerk for printing and distribution.

3) Committees consider a bill (may include hearings, expert testimony, statements from citizenry). Committees report recommendations to Whole House. The Committee on Rules determines if a bill is constitutional and in proper form.

4) The Committee on Rules places a bill on the Active Calendar and the Speaker of the House or Senate President
sets order in which measures will be considered.

5) The Committee of the Whole: Informal session of entire House membership acting as one committee. Members debate, develop amendment, and make recommendations on bills.

6) Third Reading – Roll Call. Every member present must vote (unless excused and no Member may vote for another member.

7) If passed by House, the bill goes on to the Senate.